Put a new battery on it, fresh fuel and it started. GREAT. Unfortunatley the idle was all over the place, racing and dropping without me touching the bike. Upon investigation (squirting wd40 on the manifolds in turn) the rubber inlet manifolds were leaking air badly ( and no3 carb was overflowing too). Next step, removed carbs, removed float bowls. Blasted carb cleaner through the jets, reset float heights with a vernier, cleaned up inaccesable bits of engine and chassis (removed yellowing laquer from the engine, routed breathers and overflows properly and clipped a few dangling wires back into the chassis wiring loops). I used silicon RTV sealant to seal the manifolds to stop the air leaks. Put it all back together, filled with fuel, primed carbs. Won't start!!! Removed #1 plug and signs of fuel. Tested it against the cylinder head and no spark. All other plugs the same, signs of fuel but no sparks.
Where do I start looking first for my missing sparks? All my electrics/ lights etc. work and the starter turns over happily. Main fuse is intact also.
I've tried replacement plugs and have a second set of coils but the originals were working ok. ANY IDEAS???? What could I have distrubed that has killed my ignition?