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Looking to buy compression gauge

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    Looking to buy compression gauge

    Does anyone know where I should go to get a good deal on a quality product? Should I just head over to Sears?

    try for a guage that has the differant adapters to fit a selection of thread types 12mm, 14mm etc , you will find this to more usefull over the years ,and buy as good as you can afford !!.


      Originally posted by britman
      try for a guage that has the differant adapters to fit a selection of thread types 12mm, 14mm etc , you will find this to more usefull over the years ,and buy as good as you can afford !!.

      This advice is very sound for every tool you buy.

      With tools, you definitely get what you pay for. Buy less in quantity, but ALWAYS buy quality in every tool. You will never regret the quality, but you will regret, and truly hate, every moment lost due to poor quality tools.
      Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


        Yea, i'm definately going to get one with different size adapters, and the cost is not really an issue because its for the motorsports club here at school. But should I get it online, the only place I've seen so far is on bikebandit, but I haven't really been looking.


          your local auto parts/tool store should carry a good selection ..


            I don't know whether you, specifically, should go cheap or quality, but there is one for $20 at See if they have a store in your area.

            Items there are somewhat hit-and-miss. Some are really good and inexpensive. Others are not so good (but still inexpensive). I think it's worth the chance for me, because I simply can't afford a Craftsman tool myself. Up to you.


