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#2 pipe still cold while after choke off.

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    #2 pipe still cold while after choke off.

    Well... I tore em down again. I posted recently about #1 not hot when choke on. #2 gets cold after choke off. I found that all of my choke circuits were still blocked in the bowls. I neglected to dip the bowls. I cleared all them out. Then I tore #2 all the way down to see what could be wrong with it. I checked all the parts, and used a vacume pump to check the circuits. Everything seems fine inside.

    I put it back together and started it up. All 4 got hot while the choke was on. Hurray! I decided to check the ballance. They all seemed close..... but might need fine tuning. Then I noticed that the #2 pipe was cooling down again just like before with the choke off.

    Earl posted before about the main and pilot connection being blocked. It is clear. The pilot is clear. The choke is clear. The main is clear. and the air screw passage is clear. As are the little pin holes under the air screw passage. Any more ideas? I'm ready to tear it down again... I just would like some suggestions on what to try. Should I fine tune the ballance first? Or just get the carbs apart again. Thanks Chris.

    Now I'm having doubts.

    Now I'm having doubts. I did use a vacume on all the holes, but I'm woried about the air mixture hole. It may have been breathing through the little pin holes in the main bore. I think a clog could still be under the pilot between the pilot and the pin holes.

    Any other possibilities would be helpful.


      Re: Now I'm having doubts.

      If the exhaust pipe on #2 is cold at idle speed (no throttle) then there has to be a clog still in the idle speed passages in the carb. Fuel is picked up from the float bowl, passes through the main jet, follows an internal passage and is metered by the pilot jet then mixed with air coming from the pilot air jet.
      Part of the mixture is discharged into the main carb bore through bypass ports. The rest is metered by the pilot screw and sprayed into the main bore through the pilot outlet. I dont think your problem is caused by the jets themselves being clogged. My best hunch is that the bypass ports are blocked and the resulting idle mixture is too lean to support combustion.
      I would try soaking the carb for 24 hours in carb/parts cleaner. (being sure to remove all rubber and plastic :-) ) Youre still have a clog........most likely on the fuel side. Its rare to find an air passage clogged.


      Originally posted by chrisdnoel
      Now I'm having doubts. I did use a vacume on all the holes, but I'm woried about the air mixture hole. It may have been breathing through the little pin holes in the main bore. I think a clog could still be under the pilot between the pilot and the pin holes.

      Any other possibilities would be helpful.
      Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

      I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


        I think they are open.

        I think the bypass ports are open. However they do feed from the pilot. The port that comes from the pilot changes direction two or three times before it travels over the main bore toward the air mixture scew. I think I have a clog somewhere in there. It could down neer the pilot or up neer the pin holes. I know the pilot, and the pin holes are clear. Its just that damn twisting passage way I'm not sure of. It seems to be the hardest passage to clean becouse its hard to reach it from either end. I'm having thoughts of removing that little bb at the base of the air mixture screw. That would allow me to atleast spray cleaner right into it. Once it comes out the pilot I would then be sure its clear.


          I cleared it a little.

          I cleared it and it's still acting up.

          I took the carb off the rack, and blasted a whole can of cleaner into it. It was hard to tell if it was thuroughly clean but I used the whole can on it. While spraying into the pilot I was able to get what I thought was a good stream to come out the air mixture hole. No luck. Its still acting up. I'm going to re-synch them and see what happens after that.

          It wouldn't surprize me if this carb is just bad. After cutting another carb in half I found that the holes they drill from the factory are supposed to intersect exactly. Well some of the intersections I found were neer misses. I'm wondering if mine may not be dirty..... just poorly machined.


            Re: I cleared it a little.

            That sure is a possibility. I dont know how you would ever be sure that it was a machining defect though.


            Originally posted by chrisdnoel

            It wouldn't surprize me if this carb is just bad. After cutting another carb in half I found that the holes they drill from the factory are supposed to intersect exactly. Well some of the intersections I found were neer misses. I'm wondering if mine may not be dirty..... just poorly machined.
            Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

            I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


              I think I'm goona dip it.

              We'll I could pull the BB's out and confirm that the passages are clear, and they all connect. Then I would have to wory about freeze pluging them. I don't think thats a good idea. I think I'll just get a can of dip and go that rout. Maybee a nite in the can will clear things up. If not I'll be looking for a rack to rob the #2 off of.


                Did you remove the Needle Jet and clean it. About 12-16 little holes in there that may be plugged up. Also a little hole in that cavity that must be clear.



                  Every thing came off. All passage ways are clear and all components. I think after talking to Earl last nite we decided that I should have replaced the pilot stoppers long ago. Like last year when I replaced the O-rings and dipped them. I hope this works. It's driving me nuts.

                  Just one more reason I should have bought the kits from the start. The damn stoppers will probably cost me as much as one kit.

                  The O-rings cost me as much as another kit.

                  And the Head aches that I have had since then would have more than paid for the other two.


