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What the hell happened?!!!

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    What the hell happened?!!!

    So I ride the GS to work yesterday morning, no problem. I ride it to girlfriend's house last night, no problem. Park it and go inside. This morning, I come out, ready to go to the museum and put in the key... NOTHING! No lights, no Neutral light, zip, nada... :roll: I figure the battery is dead, so I call a co-worker to come jump start me. Hook up the cables, turn on the switch... NOTHING.

    It's like somebody cut the ground or hot wire from the battery (yeah, I looked for that, too). I'm going back over tomorrow afternoon with my Step Van so I can bring it home if it still won't start. Any ideas? Alt was charging fine, everything was just wonderful.

    Fuse is always a possibility. Even if it looks good, it might be bad. Swap it out.

    Also, if you have a voltmeter, check the battery voltage. Then check the voltage between ground and starter relay. Then check fuse to ground. There's a strong chance the problem is right in there, if the entire bike is dead.



      Most interesting.....and I mean that!

      I had the same thing happen a few months ago on my "G".

      Your situation may be different. Here's mine:

      I checked the entire bike, and could find nothing wrong anywhere, so it had to be the ignition switch.

      I took the switch apart, checked the contacts, lost a bearing, cleaned it well, sanded the contacts, replaced the bearing, greased everything, reassembled the switch, installed the switch and the bar covers.....the bike started and ran.

      Concern was, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the switch. And absolutely nothing wrong with anything else. There was not the slightest mechanical or electrical flaw anywhere.

      I put the bike back in the garage for a week, and drove the car instead.

      I don't know why it did not start, but I decided to listen to the message. If you find your circumstances to be the same, be thankful, and listen.
      A take-away:


        I'm surprized that someone else hasnt mentioned this so I will. One thing that is almost always overlooked when this happens is the clutch safety switch. Its a small switch located under the clutch lever. It can get old and rusted and dirty When it does and you pull the clutch in to start the bike the connection isn't made and the bike will not start. Loosen the screw that hold the cluctch lever and turn the entire lever assembly over as far as you can. You will see two very small screws. Carefully take them out and clean and or replace everything there. BE VERY CAREFUL when taking this apart as there is a very small spring in there. If it is beyond repair and you cannot replace it (Note that the brake switch on the throttle side is the exact same switch) then cut the 2 wires and twist them together. DO THIS ONLY AS A LAST RESORT because if you do that and forget that the bike in in gear when you try to start it the bike is going to take off if the clutch lever is out.


          If the clutch switch was bad he would still have lights. Go check the ign switch and main fuse


            Mine did the same thing and it was the kill switch.It hadn't been used in about 10 years and it was crusty.hehehe.


              the main fuse will do the same thing if its bad, check anyway ..

