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Starter selenoid bad??

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    starter solonoid

    my 1986 gs-1150 has become a bit intermittent starting lately. I found the switch on the clutch full of crap. After taking it apart and cleaning it and finding the little spring that fell out(hard to see) it worked well for a bit. Now when I try to start it.... the solonoid clicks but nuthing happens... then push again and it starts.... I tested the solonoid with a meter and the contacts switching power to the starter motor(big wires) have become intermittent. Time for a new solonoid. Anyone know how much these cost? I am thinking of using a universal from a car on it, probably way less money.


      BTW ALWAYS ALWAYS start with the simple stuff!... After swapping solenoids and finding that it was fine I took the switch apart and the spring and contact were very rusted. A little steel wool and I was set. good thing we didn't buy a solenoid!

