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Looking for an excuse not to clean carbs

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    Looking for an excuse not to clean carbs

    I'm pretty sure I need to clean my carbs - a starting problem suggests the choke circuit is blocked and,anyway, they haven't been cleaned in the two years I've had the bike.
    However, if I look at the spark plugs they're exactly the colour they're meant to be. Given this, is it still possible that the carbs need cleaning?


    Without knowing the history it is hard to say, but it wouldn't hurt anything just to make sure. Check the choke cable first


      The choke cable is fine thanks.
      What I really need to know is whether a problem with the carbs will necessarily show up in the spark plugs. Or, to put it another way, whether the spark plugs can be fine AND there still be a problem with the carbs.



        My practical answer is:
        If you can eventually start the bike and it runs on all cylinders/feels ok, then you don't have too big of a problem. I do suppose that if more than just the choke circuit is blocked and one of the cylinders isnt getting fuel, the plug would still read good from the last time it was firing....


          Probably just dirty idle circuits. Try running some fuel injector cleaner in the tank.


            or get the bike running and hit the airbox or filters with some carb cleaner spray. i do this to mine occasionally to clean things out.



              Blocked choke wont affect the plugs

              A blocked choke circuit wont affect the plugs. Your main + Idle circuits are probably fine. Thats why your plugs look good.

              Start the bike up with the choke on and see wich pipe/pipes dont warm up. All should get hot pretty quickly. The circuit for the carb that isn't working is most likely blocked in the bowl. Clean the little hole in the bowl down where the straw goes in. You should be abble to get a bread twisty wire through the hole.

              Don't over size the hole. I made the mistake of drilling out the holes. I fouled out all 4 plugs. From now on I will not use the choke as much even after I fix the bowls. From what I hear exesive use of even a good choke system fouls plugs.


                Using the enrichener shouldn't be enough to foul plugs unless you have other problems. About a year ago after having my bike in pieces for over a year I got it back together. When I took things apart I didn't bother to drain the carbs or use stabilizer. Needless to say when I got the bike back together the carbs were a mess. I did a light cleaning but the bike still ran way too rich. The plugs were black and sooty. After doing a thorough cleaning the mixture straightened out and even the same black, sooty plugs cleaned themselves up and turned tan.


                  I've tried a fuel treatment in the tank and tried a carb cleaner spray but with no lasting effect.

                  It seems that the number one cylinder is taking time to warm up.

                  I think I'll go ahead and clean the carbs. I've downloaded all the instructions from this site and, in theory, it looks Ok. It's just that it seems such a big job.



                    Whenever I've got my air filters off for cleaning, I start the engine and briefly slide a thick piece of cardboard over each carb mouth as I rev up the engine. The idea is that the high vacuum will help suck out any loose crud that may be lodged in the tiny orifices. It's never caused any harm. Just don't hold yor hand in line with the carb mouth in case it spits back thru the carb.


                      I'm like Tems and looking for an excuse not to clean carbs. Bought a set of carbs on ebay and machine will start good and idles better after setting the mixtures down a bit. Machine will die at 4000rpm and assume this will be more in main jet?? I am presently running with no air cleaner.

                      Any advice:

                      Jim Robbins


                        Any good movies playing this weekend? They're a good excuse not to clean the carbs!

                        Have more than one bike? Take the one that runs well if the weather is good -- that's a good excuse not to clean the carbs!

                        Significant other feeling frisky? That's a VERY good excuse not to clean the carbs!!

                        Now none of these excuses is going to solve your problem ... but if you need an excuse not to clean the carbs, don't say I didn't offer three good ones!

                        Good Luck working out the problem,


                          Originally posted by jimr
                          Bought a set of carbs on ebay and machine will start good and idles better after setting the mixtures down a bit. Machine will die at 4000rpm and assume this will be more in main jet?? I am presently running with no air cleaner.

                          Any advice:
                          Get an air cleaner. You'll never get it running right without one. That's a big part of your problem. The mixture is leaning out too much.


                            Hi Billy

                            Thanx for reply, was wondering if that mite be part of problem. will probaly take carbs off and see if all jets are clear and put cleaner thru them. These carbs are for GS850 and am going to set the mixture at 1-1/2 turns, is this right?

                            Thanx again

                            Jim Robbins


                              Originally posted by jimr
                              These carbs are for GS850 and am going to set the mixture at 1-1/2 turns, is this right?
                              There really isn't a set value for the idle mixture screws. Just adjust each one for the smoothest and highest idle. Then back off on the throttle stop to set the idle rpm. Once you get more than 4 or 5 turns out on the mixture screws you're pretty much off the jet and letting maximum fuel through the idle circuit.

