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Gear insalation question

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    Gear insalation question

    I have been warned by family and friends about geting the proper mesh on my bevel gears. Now here is the problem. They are such a tight fit this is going to be a one time deal. The ones that came out got beat to hell and broken in manny ways just by the process of removing them without spliting the case so I will not be taking these out once they are in. I also understand it is nearly imposable to get the proper mesh by just guessing and hoping you are right the first time. If my mesh is not correct it will mean cracking the case to get it right in wich case I will be stupid not to just over haul the 43,500 mile motor. Now the rear gear I took out had 3 shims on it and the side gear had 2 shims. The gears I got off ebay have this same configuration so should I asume if I put the 3 shims on the back and 2 on the side that the gears will mesh properly? Any help is greatly apreciated. This is the last step in my project I hope to ride the bike this weekend. Thanks for the help.

    Though a study of two is not a very complete study, I've done it twice, matching shims that came off the original bike to the new parts and put it all together. Both are quiet. I'm praying to the gear-meshing gods that 'quiet is good'. Make sure the arrow on the rear gearset is pointed the right way when you install it. I think it's 'up'. The right way to do it, in a nut shell, involves putting dye on the gears, assembling everything, turning the gears, disassembling the parts and reading the wear marks in the dye to determine how they are meshing. Add/delete shims and repeat as necessary.


      Just use the original shims and don't worry about it. Did you loosen the case bolts in the area around the gears ????


        I did not losen the case bolts. I just took off the 4 bols on each housing and pryed the side gear out but the rear gear had to be beat out from the inside using a metle bar wich destroyed the gear. This was not a problem sence it was bad anyway. However it is not an option on the new gears this is a one time deal otherwise I would use the die method. So anyhoo. Just use the same shims and call it good huh? I hope it is that easy


          Yes But loosen the case bolts around the area where the gears fit in


            Wont that cause a leak when I put it back together and fill it with gear oil?

