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strange carb problem , NEED HELP!!

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    strange carb problem , NEED HELP!!

    ok, i took the carbs off my gs750es this weekend and had them cleaned and everything set back up the same way it was when they were taken off. the bike ran prity good before i took them off. now that they are back on it seems as tho i have nooo power. she will open up to about half throtle then she just bogs down an sputters. it even sounds like it is passing alot of air through the exhaust, like a popping sound but its not backfiring. the air screws are set at 2 turns out, an it has a 4 into 1 pipe, any ideas on what is going on? thanks guys.

    Is the air box and filter installed? if not try that


      i took it off at first because i took the airbox off my dirtbike at it gave me much more throtle response and pep, so i figured id try it with my gs an thats when everything went down hill, but sense then ive put it back on an still not much improvement. how does the airbox affect my gs differently than my dirtbike?


        If you're not running an airbox the stock jetting is going to be way too lean. You either need to reinstall the stock airbox with a filter or go to pods and a jet kit to make up for the extra airflow.


          when i baught the bike tho it was alredy rejetted with 120 jets and the stock ones are like 117 or somthing around there.


            Might just need balanced.

            As long as you have the air box + filter on, and it can idle you might just need to balance the carbs. Check for intake manifold leaks first. You don't want to do all that and find you have a high idle problem.


              You probably fouled the plugs when you had the airbox off. What color are the plugs?


                yah they are wet an black


                  Does your bike run normally now?

                  I just bought a 1981 GS650G and am having the same problem you described. This is my first post here, and I'm really happy to have found such a great resourse. I had a 1978 GS1000 8 years ago, which I put 17,000 miles on. Since then, I've had a Triumph, Harley and Moto-Guzzi (still have the Guzzi), but the GS was the best bike I'd ever had, and I wanted a smaller bike, so I sold the Harley, put some cash in the bank and bought a 1981 GS650G with 9.500 miles on it.

                  Does your bike work normally after replacing the airbox and plugs?

                  It seems like such a simple fix.

                  If not, let me know what the problem was.

                  My bike ran OK on the way home from the seller's house, and has gotten so bad that it won't pull much more than 3,000 RPMs under load. It will rev higher in neutral.

                  The guy I bought it from had lost the little clips that hold the airbox closed, so he threw away the air filter and masking taped the box shut. After changing the fluids, I removed the airbox lid and took it for a test ride, at which time I discovered the performance problems.

                  The guy I bought the bike from told me he had just cleaned out the carbs.

                  I sprayed some WD40 around the carburetor intake manifolds to see if there was a vacuum leak, and I couldn't find one. All vent hoses are properly routed and not kinked. Petcock vacuum line works properly and doesn't leak.



                    Originally posted by cal650g
                    I just bought a 1981 GS650G and am having the same problem you described.
                    Welcome to the forum!

                    Before you try anything else, put on the stock airbox AND filter.

                    GS's won't run properly without airbox or filter, unless you have done some rejetting.


                      Strange carb problem

                      Thanks for the quick answer.

                      I went to the Suzukin dealer today and special ordered the clips to hold the airbox shut (Previous owner lost the originals) for $3 and a stock-replacement air filter for $34. In 5 to 7 days I'll know if this fixes the problem. Either way, I'll post what I found out here.

                      I've just got to keep myself from fiddling with the bike until then. That's hard to do because I'm dying to get it running and take it for a long ride.

                      I changed the spark plugs, and they were dry and black, but not enough to keep them from sparking.


                        i solved the problem,i noticed that when i covered the the carbs with my hand on the airbox side that she fired right up. there needs to be a resistance to beable to pull the slides up, so since i dont have the money for pods and i dont have an air box what i did was take an old t-shirt a cur out little sections to cover the holes an used a ruber band to keep then from getting sucked into the carbs. believe it or not this worked deadly! ive never had so much power come from my 750, she will even pul lwheelies now in seccond gear withought using the clutch.


                          A cheap way to get an airbox filter is to watch ebay. And the cheapest place i found to get a K&N air filter is to go to and get the number and take that number to Autozone and order it. They will have it the next day at no extra charge, why pay more for a dealer to get oem quality, and have to wait for it. I paid 29.98 including tax and overnight shipping for my air filter on a GS850GL. And $33.50 for shipping included on a complete air box.


                            New filter and airbox clips did the job.

                            As legendary sports entertainer Ric Flair would say, "Woooooooooo!" My GS650G runs like a track star now.

                            I thought getting it running right would be much more complicated than this. Thank you for helping me get it on the road quick. I hope other people find this post and it helps them, too.

                            I put a new air filter in ($33 from Suzuki) and replaced the missing airbox cover clips ($1.50 each from Suzuiki), and it works like it should. This is great news, as I just got the bike and wasn't sure how much work it needed.

                            It's a 1981 GS650G with less than 10,000 miles on it. Without the air cleaner and airbox cover, I couldn't get it to do more than 40 mph in any gear. I bought it from a guy who was trying to get it running but couldn't. He removed the air filter and threw it away, then cleaned the carbs and found that it barely ran.

                            It's a 1981 GS650G with less than 10,000 miles on it.

                            After installing the new filter, I got it warmed up, found a straight road and revved it up to check out the powerband. Before I could shift, it was up to 9,500 rpm. I can't believe how much power it has on top. Very impressive for an ancient 650. I love this bike.

