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I pulled head off bike. Suggestions for cleaning exterior?

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    I pulled head off bike. Suggestions for cleaning exterior?

    While I've got my engine pulled apart, I've got the chance to clean/brighten my carbs, valve cover, valve head, and piston block while they are off the bike. Any suggestions on how to do this?

    I was thinking maybe having them bead blasted, but I'm worried about the shop damaging the mating surfaces with "overspray".

    Also, I'm already in big trouble with my wife for spending money on the bike, so I'd like to learn a reasonably easy, inexpensive way to clean up this stuff myself.


    ScotchBrite pad and solvent, or buy a gallon of Metal cleaner and dunk it in there or use a brush to paint it on....

    You could always use good, heavy duct tape to tape off all the surfaces before bead blasting...... Unless you have the head compltely apart, I would not recommend bead blasting, that stuff gets everywhere!!!


      You could try using a small brass brush on a drill, it will be time consuming but should do an adequate job

      And is CHEAP so that should keep the wife happy


        I went through the Search feature on the GSR today, and I think I found out that Mineral Spirits are (is) safe and Liquid Joy is safe, and a combo of the two is safe.

        So, today I got a plastic tub, big enough to dunk the head and piston block (one at a time) and I got three gallons of mineral spirits and a jug of Liquid Joy.

        Unless I get any negative vibes from any of your posts on this thread, I'm going to soak the engine and carburetor components in this mix overnight during this coming week, and scrub with a scotch pad.

        Any of you have any thoughts on this, positive or negative?


          I found useful information in the Appearance Mods for the exterior covers. The difficult part is removing the old clear coat. I bought a spray on remover in Kmart and found a remover for paint and coatings for aluminum and airplanes at Advance Auto Parts. I used 0000 steel wool. I also used Bon-Ami and a scotch brite sponge. When I was done, I coated it with Mothers Wax. This winter I plan to do the remaining aluminum pieces, but will probably reapply clear coat. If you have a Dremel tool, there are buffing wheels that do a good job, some are impregnated with polishers.
          Home Depot sells 4" buffing wheels, cleaner for aluminum and jewelers polish, I'll be giving those a try this winter.
          Most of these items are cheap; the remover is the most costly item. I've not carbs, not sure what works best for them.
          Good luck with it.


            A fine ScotchBrite pad soaked with brake fluid should do the job.
            Make sure to wear rubber gloves and don't get the brake fluid on any painted parts!


              Oven cleaner works really well for removing clearcoat of exterior engine covers, I found Kerosene and a brass brush worked very well for cleaning the combustion chambers, piston crowns and ports on my Katana motor I then used sandpaper of progressively finer grades to get those ugly casting marks out of the ports I used polishing wheels on an 8" bench grinder to polish the piton crowns and the chambers, I also did the exterior engine cases the same way they were done eight months ago and are only just showing signs of dulling off, so I am giving them a touch up and am going to re-clearcoat them.
              BTW if you are curious about the buffing wheels etc. JayB did a post in the appearance Mods section about this process including a very good link, the same process is used inside the motor just with even more care and patience


                DO NOT USE BRASS OR STEEL WOOL ON ALUMINUM PARTS! You will contaminate the metal and cause premature corrosion. Use ONLY stainless or scotchbrite pads (you can get stainless scrub pads in the cleaning section at the grocery store).

                The Oven cleaner isn't such a great idea, either. If you read the can , it says on there, NOT FOR USE ON ALUMINUM. Oven cleaner contains lye, which will EAT aluminum.


                  Mike C. thanks for the tip, I was unaware of the steel wool problem.



                    Dink, what type of clearcoat did you use? spray can? professional? :twisted:


                      Marine grade professional stuff


                        Originally posted by bgk

                        Unless I get any negative vibes from any of your posts on this thread, I'm going to soak the engine and carburetor components in this mix overnight during this coming week, and scrub with a scotch pad.

                        Any of you have any thoughts on this, positive or negative?
                        Sorry I didn't see this sooner Brion. I wouldn't soak the carburetors unless you plan on replacing all of the gaskets.

                        Does all this mean you aren't going on the Nov 1st ride?


                          Hey Andy,

                          I read here on the GSR and elsewhere on the internet, that Mineral Spirits and/or Liquid Joy are safe on aluminum, plastics and rubber. That's why I selected this mix.

                          Even before your post, I've been thinking that I might not dunk the carbs in the mix, just brush it on and clean the outside surfaces. The valve head and piston block should be OK for full dunking and overnight soak.

                          I'm hoping to get the bike back together by next weekend (Nov 1), but it's iffy. As you read from my initial post on this thread (Sudden Service), I did not plan to have my bike pulled apart right now!

                          This is a bit of an awkward and premature request, but if my bike is not ready by next week, would you trust me to ride your GS, and you ride your new Yamaha, if I brought a couple hundred dollars in cash with me as "repair insurance" for you in the unlikely event of a mis-hap?


                            Originally posted by bgk
                            Hey Andy,

                            I read here on the GSR and elsewhere on the internet, that Mineral Spirits and/or Liquid Joy are safe on aluminum, plastics and rubber. That's why I selected this mix.

                            Even before your post, I've been thinking that I might not dunk the carbs in the mix, just brush it on and clean the outside surfaces. The valve head and piston block should be OK for full dunking and overnight soak.

                            I'm hoping to get the bike back together by next weekend (Nov 1), but it's iffy. As you read from my initial post on this thread (Sudden Service), I did not plan to have my bike pulled apart right now!

                            This is a bit of an awkward and premature request, but if my bike is not ready by next week, would you trust me to ride your GS, and you ride your new Yamaha, if I brought a couple hundred dollars in cash with me as "repair insurance" for you in the unlikely event of a mis-hap?
                            Hey Brion,
                            I lost the rear gear box on the last ride and she was barely charging, but Miss October made it home! At any rate as you know I bought a box-o-parts and have been working on her. So far I replaced the rear gear box and today I'm going to replace the regulator/rectifier. Even if that doesn't fix the charging system, a fresh charge seems to last for a couple of hundred miles... after all this work, I'd really like to ride her, but if you can't get your's going you can definately ride Miss October.
                            What happened to your GS? I missed the Sudden Service thread.

