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Update - Help Real Bad Electrical Problem

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    Update - Help Real Bad Electrical Problem


    This is an update on my electrical problem. I had geat advice from this site and it turns out there were multiple problems and many of you mentioned some of these.

    My bike had the following symptoms - after riding I would find that I could not start the bike. When it would not start, one of two things would happen - the relay switch would "clack" but no start - had to bump it. This was the "least worst" problem. When all hell broke loose, I would loose power in my headlight/idiot lights and could not get ignition - even with a bump. The bike never died while running only after I shut off the ignition. After time, the bike would inexplicably start and run like new.

    I took Joe Nardy up on his offer to check out my electrical system. He's a great guy with a beautiful GS1100E and other cool bikes. Here's what he found while I nodded meaningfully and tried to look like I understood what he was doing:

    - He checked out the bike with a multimeter and tried to teach me to use it. There were some problem areas we tracked down and cleaned/reconnected. Retests showed we/he did some good. I now have dangerous knowlege of basic multimeter usage.

    - He took off the grounding wire and we found some corrosion. Cleaned and replaced. After replacing this wire, we had better readings.

    - We found an after-market connector that was definitely "bad". We found it lead to the "kill"/"ignition" switch. This a likely culprit for the worst of the problem. He was kind enough to remove the bad connector and fix it.

    - Then, we removed the starter motor. It sounded like broken glass was inside the case, and when he opened it up, there were large magnet shards and dust that came out and the magnets were not glued to the cylinder wall. Major problem, but it was strong enough to crank once in a while and clear out the broken magnets for a few spins before locking up - that is why it was an intermittent problem. We could not spin it by hand prior to opening it up, so it was a mess.

    - We took it about and he suggested trying to rebuild the case for a temporary fix while I searched for a more reliable one. We removed broken magnet pieces, glued them back to the case, and put it back together and it spun by hand nicely. Unfortunately, it would not start. We tried a bunch of different things, but the shock of being reassembled was probably too much. We never tested it off the 12 V while it was out of the case, but we expected it to work.

    So, after about 4 hours of work (his work, not mine - I was trying to act smart and not screw anything up), I bumped it without a problem and went home. I thanked Joe profusely, I know where he lives and know what his favorite brand of beer is.

    The likely prognosis is that we solved some electrical issues, and tested a few things that were helpful in deducing what is not at fault. Likely, I can put a new/rebuilt/working starter in the bike and it will work. I'm going to test the current starter with a 12V to make sure there is not another problem lurking out there. If so, Joe's already figured out what it can be.

    But, I need a starter anyway and will likely look to E-Bay and or a supplier that rebuilds starters. Meantime, I can start my bike and I have peace of mind knowing that my charging system is working, the battery is strong, etc.

    I hope one day I get smart enough to return the favor for someone else. Not only did Joe save me big bucks, but he taught me a few things and I had a great time. Not sure I can say the same for him though.

    Thanks again.



    Thanks for the thanks. I do enjoy working on bikes and because so many people here have helped me I feel like I should help when I can. You've got a nice bike there. You might want to ask here if anyone knows what starters might be interchangeable with yours. I bet there is a wide range of Suzukis that use the same starter. According to, the part number is 31100-49210. Let me know how this progresses.

    IBA# 24077
    '15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
    '07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
    '08 Yamaha WR250R

    "Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of a Krusty manner."


      i heard that Joe guy is pretty cool.

      so i'm thinking after the bikes go away for the summer, we should get a case of Labatt Blue and chill. maybe catch a Hawks away game or something...



        Good for you, Joe!
        Doing good deeds will come back to you!
        Andy, glad to hear things are looking up!
        And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
        Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!



          Thanks.........the beer and hockey thing sounds fun. By some strange coincidence I have some Labatt Blue in the 'fridge right now. It would be fun to hook up with the gang, maybe once a month or so. I'm expecting to be spending some time in the heated garage working on bikes (mine and others) so we could have a garage repair/beer drinking session too.


          Your help is one of the reasons I feel I should help others too. Although I don't have your level of expertise I'll keep doing whatever I can to help. It has already paid off in some new friendships and riding partners.

          IBA# 24077
          '15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
          '07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
          '08 Yamaha WR250R

          "Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of a Krusty manner."


            New friendships and riding partners, I'd say you came out way ahead!
            And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
            Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


              Yeah, I feel that way too................and we keep meeting new guys. Next year we should have a nice sized riding group.
              IBA# 24077
              '15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
              '07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
              '08 Yamaha WR250R

              "Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of a Krusty manner."


                Well, I just heard from Andy and he's still having problems. It seems as if we solved the problem where there is no power at all but he still has a starter problem. Pressing the starter button results in a 'click' or 'clack' depending on your interpretation of the sound. The noise is the starter relay pulling. Voltage to the starter reads 5 or 6vdc if the starter is connected but 12vdc if it is disconnected. There doesn't seem to be any noise coming from the starter drive area. If the starter is removed and connected to the bike battery it turns, seems to be strong, and doesn't seem to have any dead spots. Andy has bought a starter from ebay but doesn't have it yet. I'm hoping the starter will fix this but I'm not convinced. If there were a problem with the starter clutch causing it to lock up would it cause the voltage to drop from 12v to 5v? If the starter is in the bike the positive wire going to it gets warm pretty quickly if the starter button is pressed. I appreciate any help because Andy dropped a case of Labatt Blue at my house last week for helping him and I feel like I've let him down!

                IBA# 24077
                '15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
                '07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
                '08 Yamaha WR250R

                "Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of a Krusty manner."


                  i guess you can see what happens when he hooks the new starter up...hopefully it resolves the issue.

                  i really wish i could work on my bike this winter...its gonna be in our shed at home, on blocks, with a sheet over it.

                  i'd really like to figure out where that oil leak is coming from up front (very very small) and mount new tires on it. sound like something to wait for the spring or do it now? ...i'd appreciate your guys help if possible...



                    Re: Update - Help Real Bad Electrical Problem

                    I heard that guy Joe might know a thing or 2 about bikes......I need to quiet down my engine on the 550. I want to pull the cam tensioner so I can clean and reset it, time the bike and synch the carbs....gs1000 due Monday or Tuesday.....who knows what it needs....

                    You know gentlemen.....I can carry a lot of beer on my cargo rack..... root beer that is....... 8-[



                      In case you didn't know, I have a heated garage that just happens to have a refrigerator that could keep some of that root beer cold. We could use my place as a get together place and have the guys over to wrench, drink, and talk bikes. I know Ryan has a couple things he wants to do and our new friend Phil from Milwaukee might be bringing his wheels down to mount some tires. Sick as it may sound, I actually enjoy working on bikes, getting greasy, and busting my knuckles. Don't hesitate to ask if you want to do some work.

                      IBA# 24077
                      '15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
                      '07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
                      '08 Yamaha WR250R

                      "Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of a Krusty manner."


                        hmmn...i would be interested in taking you up on that in two weeks Joe. i'd have to get tires here by next weekend (so i could drop them off here at the girlfriends, and an valve cover gasket... i'm going to pull the side covers off and make sure those aren't leaking.

                        Ryan, what other things do i need if we were going to check the valve clearances? This is WAY uncharted waters for me...

                        possible for the 15/16th?



                          15/16 sounds okay with me. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. If not you could take the wheels off and bring them by one at a time or both if you have some way to support the bike with both off. Keep me posted..........

                          IBA# 24077
                          '15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
                          '07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
                          '08 Yamaha WR250R

                          "Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of a Krusty manner."


                            is it a good time to change wheel bearings too? or should i just leave them if they work fine...........

                            ...i should stop adding things to the list, heh. bodywork is gonna happen in the spring already. 8O



                              It would be easy to change the wheel bearings while doing tires. I'd take a look at them first. No need to fix it if it ain't broken!

                              IBA# 24077
                              '15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
                              '07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
                              '08 Yamaha WR250R

                              "Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of a Krusty manner."

