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cleaning head gasket

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    cleaning head gasket

    How do you clean head gasket remains? Can I use steel razor to scrape it? is it ok to use engine degreaser on the head connection? I was not going to clean valves or cylinders, just might vacume deposits from cylinders.
    I am not planing on using any silicon... is that ok?

    Also when I install new head gasket, there are 4 small "washers" that came with a kit, that should go into corners into 4 holes. How do you install those, just lay them in?? which side up??

    Thanks for any suggestions... I am just becoming inpatient to put the darn thing together. Havent ridden in weeks and winter is comming.

    I would use emery paper to clean off the head and deck. You may (most likely will) gouge the aluminum surfaces if you use a razor.



      Better than emery paper is scotchbrite. If you have an air or electric die grinder on hand, you can get a little 2" diameter velcro scotchbrite pad that makes this quick and painless. Try to get gray pads (finest cut) and DON'T GET CARRIED AWAY. You'll eat the head if you apply much pressure at all with that die grinder.

      Another technique is to get a piece of fairly thick plate glass to keep the surface flat and use 400grit wet or dry with water or WD-40 to keep the paper from gumming. Put the glass on a table, put the paper on the glass, (grit side up), and rub the gasket surface on the paper until it is shiny and flat. If you have a cast iron or granite surface plate that's even better than the glass.


        You should be able to get Gasket remover in a spray can at the local auto parts store. Fill all of the openings to the engine with rags so no crap falls into the engine. spray is and let it soak. A scotch brite pad works good for cleaning the surface too.

