I have a 1978 GS1000 with 53k miles on it, which I just inherited from my father. I've been working on it for a few months (it had been sitting for a while) and have been riding it for the past couple of weeks.
Here's what i've done to it: replaced original coils & wires, new plugs, Uni Pod filters, 4-1 exhaust, Dyna 3 ignition, Dyno Jet stage 3 jet kit, and rebuilt carbs.
A few weeks ago I put the carb kits and the jet kit in...The bike ran OK but had a mild backfire through carbs and through exhaust while cruising. The backfiring would subside when I ran with the choke pulled 1/4 - 1/2. Sounds lean, right? So this past week, I dropped the e-clip and washer on my needles (per Dyno Jet) to richen the mixture. I put the carbs back on today and she fired right up...I hooked up my Morgan Carbtune II and began to synch the carbs at 3500 rpm...
Here's where it gets funny... Carbs 1-3 synch fine, but as I was synching one of these carbs, i notice the "mercury" (stainless rod) on carb 4 pegging the top of the Carbtune. I tried to bring it into synch but I hit the stops on both ends of the adjustment screw (i.e. the needle) without brining it down at all. By adjusting this carb, I WAS however able to make the bikes idle climb an additional 1 grand and rendering the main idle adjustment useless (I couldn't bring the idle down with the main adjustment screw under the carbs until I readjusted the #4 carb's needle adjustment)!! 8O I checked the hose going to carb 4 for a crimp or blockage but found none...I even swapped hoses with another carb. Noticed the #4 cylinder exhaust was cool, so I checked spark...which happened to be BIG & Blue... There was no change in how the bike ran with #4 plug pulled out completely. The carb's bowl was full of fuel and neither the float nor the float needle was stuck.
Here's where I have run out of things to try until one of you fine folks gives me some ideas... :?
What's happening that would cause that much vaccum at that carb...I know the Carbtune is working (the "merc" drops when I pull the hose). Since i'm also getting a cold cylinder, could it be valves? I HAVEN'T checked the valves yet to see if their in or out of adjustment...
Also, is there an approximate vaccum level (in cmHg's) that all the carbs should be synched to?

I'd appreciate any input you folks can give me...What a great site...