After I ordered mine for $444.56 I got on te general discussion site and commented about it $$ on the discussion page.One of the people who responded told me I could have saved a lot of money by going Dyna S.
Being the kind of fellow I am I decided to see if I really could have gotten one for my bike, and the posts I had read earlier was bogus info...following is the copy of my email to and from them..
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At 12:30 AM 11/6/03 -0600, you wrote:
I learned about Dyna Tek from the GS Resources Suzuki motorcycle website.
My question is this .Can the opriginal ignition system on my 1981 GS650G be replaced with/by one of yours? >From the tests I haved done and what I can determine the ignitor has stopped working on 2 of the cylinders.
I read somewhere on several posts that you do not make an ignition replacement system for my bike, then after ordering one from the local Suzuki dealer I read another place that you do..can you advise please?
1981 Suzuki GS650G ignition system
thanks for your time
Dear John,
Thank you for your interest in Dynatek ignitions. Unfortunately, we do not offer an ignition system for this model at this time. As I understand it, the plate will not fit the 650 engine. If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Scott Valentine
Dynatek Customer Service