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Coils & Wires for 1980 GS550L?????

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    Coils & Wires for 1980 GS550L?????

    :? I might need a little application help here. I just got done with the carb
    clean on my 1980 GS550L revive project. After reinstalling the carbs and finally getting prime to them and getting it running. It's only running on cylinders 2 and 3. No fire on 1 and 4. With the switch on, there is juice to the the the electrical connector on number 1 and 4 coil so, I suspect it's a bad coil.

    Since my bike is a 1980 model with electroinic ignition, for now I would like to just get a nice set of coils and wires without going whole hog on the ignition yet. Do you guys no what the part numbers would be for say Dyna III coils & wires and maybe Accel coils & wires. I want to make sure I get the right ones. Thanks A Bunch

    I suggest you do some further troubleshooting before plunking down the cash for a set of coils. Just because you have 12v+ at one terminal doesn't mean you're getting a signal from the ignitor to fire at the other.


      either way, if you're going to replace the CDI i suggest replacing the coils if you dont want to have problems down the road. new coils are great on these 550 loves the Dyna coils.


        8O So, What your saying is, I might have ignitor trouble instead of a bad coil? I guess I had better get the Clymer back out and do some more testing. It was late last night when I finally quit on it in dispair.

        It was firing on all 4 before I yanked the carbs about a month ago. I was hopping she would sing sweet melodies after putting the sanitary carbs back on but, not with just half enough fire. She's only got 6K miles. I guess I was hopping the ignition would be ok.

        A whole Dyna III system would be nice. It's just the laying out of the greenbacks that will hurt. Anyone know off hand what the Dyna III part numbers would be for the CDI, coils & wires? From looking at the Dyna site, maybe a D33-2 (KD) 550/750 on the ignition and DC1-1 on the coils, 2 outputs 3.0 ohms - primary resistance, 14,400 ohms - secondary resistance, type - green 2. Does this sound right? Thanks for all the help, I guess I'll head back to the garage for more testing. I'm glad I got the bike for free.


          Originally posted by MountainGS
          D33-2 (KD) 550/750 on the ignition and DC1-1 on the coils, 2 outputs 3.0 ohms - primary resistance, 14,400 ohms - secondary resistance, type - green 2

          The D33-2 is for NipponDenso the D33-1 is for Kokusan, you need to make sure which one you need, both list a 550 application, coils are correct


            Originally posted by daveo
            Originally posted by MountainGS
            D33-2 (KD) 550/750 on the ignition and DC1-1 on the coils, 2 outputs 3.0 ohms - primary resistance, 14,400 ohms - secondary resistance, type - green 2

            The D33-2 is for NipponDenso the D33-1 is for Kokusan, you need to make sure which one you need, both list a 550 application, coils are correct
            Dave you are exactly right. I have the Kokusan so, the D33-1 would be the correct iginition. Thanks for the help. I think, one of Dynatek's web pages is screwed up http://www.dynaonline/english/sportbike_dyna3.html which states part number D33-2 550/750 4 cyl (KD) Suzuki. Then on there Dyna III sale page http://www.dynaonline/english/liquidate.htm#dyna3 it states D33-1 for KD and D33-2 for ND. Oh well, it's only money.



              i dont have CDI, so i dont know this...but will a good Suzuki dealer test your CDI box for you?



                Originally posted by AOD
                i dont have CDI, so i dont know this...but will a good Suzuki dealer test your CDI box for you?

                Hi Adam, Yea they probably would I'm sure. Since the Dyna III ignition is on sale for $99, I may just go ahead and get the ignition and the Dyna green coils and put it all on at once. This would probably save me some time and headache on down the road.

                I've been out all day. Seems like I saw a test procedure for the CDI to do in my Clymer as I glanced thru. I'll try to troubleshoot it before I yank the old stuff off. :-({|= I was hopping it would run good after the carb clean. If it had, I could have went on to pulling the brake calipers off and freeing them up and then on to installing the Kerker 4 into 1, but first things first.

                I saw a pic of your bike on an older post. I think it was the one where you added the O2 sensor. It really looks trick. Have a good one.


                  thanks for the compliment. i recently had to remove the O2 sensor because of some clearance problems with the exhaust. its not made for a 79 GS550 (80+ i believe) so it had to use another way to mount it to the frame which pulled it closer to the brake lever.

                  as for the Dyna III, its a good move...definitly get the coils with it. just make sure your engine has the mechanical advancer, because the Dyna III requires it.


