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GS550L wont go faster than 50mph

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    GS550L wont go faster than 50mph

    i am new to bikes in general and bought a 1981 GS550L totally stock

    it will not go faster than 50mph i was told that it might be the clutch pads, but my buddy rode the bike and said he was pretty sure it had something to do with the throttle cable.

    anyone know how to adjust the throttle cable??

    and the stealership said it would cost 150 dollars to do a estimate on my bike to see whats wrong but kinda pricey so


    have you tried shifting to second gear?? LOL, sorry couldn't resist it.
    that is hard to diagnose on line with out more info, there are several of us in the greater metroplex area, and if you ask nicely one or some of use might be able to drop by and have a look at it for you for allot less than the stealership. (give us a beer and we are happy)


      that would be great. The bike is currently in corinth (south of denton North of Lewisville)

      BUt as i was driving it today all of the sudden i putted to a stop and my brakes had frozen in the front, so i loosend the bleeder? and drove home any ideas why that might of happened.


      and i have tried that shifting thing but uhh ah screw it to much brain work to have a comeback


        ohh its a 1981 GS550L
        it has 12k miles on it
        and its been running just not fast

        so i am about to be changing the brake pads next week when they come in.

        any other ideas

        shop said possibly master cylinder $200, or clutch pads $200, or throttle something and carbs $400


        i paid 700 for it shoule i sell it? or what?


          bleed the brakes...get a bleeder kit from a farm and fleet or Sears for like $5, its cake.

          does the throttle cable twist fully around? it should turn at least 180-270 degrees on the handebar. if it does, there is a chance it could have dirty carbs, clogged fuel lines between the carbs, or the petcock might no be giving enough gas to the engine.

          i would look a the clutch last...



            Well frozen brakes might have a lot to do with hampering speed. Make sure your caliper isn't frozen up too, but try to stay away from the dealer if you can!

            The 550L isn't the fastest ride on the planet, but it should definitely propel you at any legal highway speed. 8) Good luck!


              run the bike for like 3 minutes and turn it off then carefully feel each ehaust pipe right by the engine. there are 4 or them. BE CAREFULL THEY ARE HOT. and report back on how each pipe feels if you carbs are working ok then all 4 pipes should warm up at the same time if not then you have dirty carbs. i would also look into you brake piston sounds like it need to be rebuilt or cleaned check this out

              78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
              82 Kat 1000
              10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
              Some dirt bikes


                If opening the bleeder screw freed the brake the master cylinder piston is not returning to it's stop clearing the return port in the master cylinder.
                this is a common problem and is due to corrosion in the master cylinder piston bore or a weak return spring in the cylinder.
                replacement of the master cylinder is the easiest cure, or the master cylinder can be rebuilt.
                the lack of power can be ether clogged carburetors or a dead coil/ ignition related.

                fix it, don't sell it!!

                PM me, I can come have a look at it one of these afternoons, I enjoy helping fellow GSers get their bikes going.

