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New Owner, has some questions please

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    New Owner, has some questions please

    I have an 82 gs650g (the 8 valve engine i believe).

    It runs well, is shaft drive etc etc.

    A couple of questions.

    It has a vibration that occurs at 31-3300 RPMs that sounds a little more metalic clashing. Power production is normal during this period and it goes away as soon as i rev past it. The only problem is that it occurs right at 45 MPH in 5th gear.

    Any help on that one?

    Also yesterday in 95 degree heat after about 90-100 miles the bike got a little noiser and and sounded...looser. Then power production stumbled from a start a few times. When i filled up the tank took about 3 G so maybe i was just running out of gas but the engine def changed sound.

    Last can anyone help me with finding a nice corbin or after market seat as i would rather have a different style then just a cover...hoever a cover would be next best thing. JCWhitney is back ordered on these covers for as long as i can remeber. Also what about fairings?

    Thank you guys


    They all do that, Sir

    Yes, it's an 8-valve. Most engines vibrate worse somewhere in their rev range but is the vibration you mention top gear only or does it appear at 3000 rpm in any gear?

    I ask because my 650 Katana had vibes and a flat spot at 4000 rpm or 55mph in top. It was only in top gear. It's not noticeable since I replaced the standard exhaust with a 4-1 and re-jetted. If that sounds like your problem, I'm not sure there's much you can do about it. If it's every gear, it suggests that something has worked loose and you could check for loose engine mounts or exhaust bolts. Carb balancing may reduce it as well.

    You 2nd question just sounds like running low on gas - 3 gallons is about a tankful - especially if it's going okay now. Can't help with the seat or fairing, I'm afraid.


      Every gear exact same RPM, any ideas where to start looking for losened bolts etc.


        To HELL with JC Whitney, my seat skin was backordered 3 Months. I called Saddlemen direct, 3 day to custom make one and about 5 bucks cheaper than JC. got it in 10 days Call em 800-397-7709



          For fairings try the Almighty Source.....E-Bay.

          You can find them there almost every day, often at pretty good prices.
          Hopefully you will find one close to home, because the shipping costs can be more than the fairing price.

          I am not sure, but I think the larger fairings will work well on your bike, and you can look for version IV or V. They come with clearance lamps and turn signals, built-in. I have a Windjammer IV and it is very stable at any speed up to ever-so-slightly-over the limit
          A take-away:


            First, I'd suggest making sure the carbs are correctly balanced, as badly out of balance carbs can make it worse.

            Then check all the bolts at the engine mounting points are tight (if you've a manual, check the torque settings) and present. One was missing completely on my bike where someone had fitted engine bars and forgot to fit a new longer bolt! Also check all your exhaust bolts and that no part of the system is touching the frame, etc. Be careful with the bolts/nuts holding the exhaust pipes to the cylinder head as they strip or shear quite easily. If you have to move them, soak them in WD40 first.

            Anyone else in here got any ideas?

