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Good am seat?

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    Good am seat?

    I know this doesn't really classify as a "technical" question, but I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on either an aftermarket seat or something I can do to my existing seat so it's not so slippery. I went for a short ride yesterday, my first on this bike, and my textile pants on the seat were like teflon! The pants may be more of the issue. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    There is a very stylish solution to your problem. Put a placemat on your seat. If you check out the aerostich website you'll be able to see what I mean. It's a foam rubber type thing that's available just about everywhere.



      Looks great! I think the sheepskin one would be perfect. Thanks!


        When you say something like this is available just about anywhere, do you mean at any motorcycle shop, or is this something one can make from common, everyday materials? Thanks!


          Sheep are willing to reproduce fairly readily from what I understand. If your talking about the foam stuff, you can get it at any store that sells placemats for tables. I'm sure you'd find it at walmart. It comes in a 4" roll and is about 18" wide. The best part is that it stops your passenger from sliding into you every time you hit the brakes.

          Maybe I saw it listed as a bodywork protector on Aerostich. You can put it under your soft bags to prevent them from ripping off your bikes paint.



            Originally posted by srivett
            The best part is that it stops your passenger from sliding into you every time you hit the brakes. Steve
            I think that depends on who's riding with you. Personally while riding with the wife I think a slippery seat is the best part.


              Did you Armor-all your seat to make it look pretty? Don't! This is the result.


                Didn't Armor All it, it's just slippery on it's own. Haven't done anything about it yet, but will probably get one of those Aerostich covers or something similar.

