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Interchangable parts?
Interchangable parts?
i went to and my bike doesnt even register. i went to the suzuki dealership, gave them the seriel number and they said my bike is a 1980 GS 400. now, on bikebandit they ONLY have 450's, no 400's, are these parts interchangable? how can i find out? do i have to go back to the shop (35 mins away)??Tags: None
Some parts will be interchangeable. I know that most of the accessories on my 550 will also work on a 750 and vice-versa.
What I would recommend - if you can find one - is getting a microfiche of your bike. That way you can search bikebandit and others, by part number instead of having to look for their fiches.
If you can't get a fiche, try to get the dealer to give you the part number, they should have the microfiches for sure.
If you want specific information on whether or not a certain part is interchangeable, then post it here and I'm sure someone will be able to help you out.
You'll have to get a microfiche for your bike. Then you can compare the part numbers for your bike to the ones on bike bandit. Actually, you just type the part # in and the price comes up. It doesn't matter what bikes the part fits, if its the same part it will not have a different number for each bike.
wicked, where can i pick up a microfiche, ive seen the the dealers use them. are they expensive, can i use them on a computer? or do i need that special machine?
You can find some of them online. I'll get back to you if I can find that website.
Sometimes they come on CDrom. But otherwise you'll need to go to a library, just print out the sheets, and then store the microfiche for the future.
alright, so i found the site, thanks to satchmo, and they want 7.00 bones, US for shipping. Now if my math and knowledge is correct, these microfiches are little practically weightless pieces of plastic. Why do they charge they're customers so much for so little. its just.....not.......fair..........especially when you are 17, in grd 12, with no job. 8)
Why do they charge they're customers so much for so little. its just.....not.......fair..........especially when you are 17, in grd 12, with no job.
No job? I don't see how you can survive without one.
Seriously - ask the old man - or better yet do some chores. 8)
Forum GuruCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- Oct 2002
- 8859
- Angeles Forest, So.Calif./Red rocks of Southern Utah.
CHORES 8O !!!?? (music playing from "The Birds" shower scene)
What are you trying to do, scare off our newest member?And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!
Tell ya what. I'll give you 7 bucks for the shipping if you come on over and shovel the stairs leading to the car park
Sheesh kids these days
Nothing beats going in to the dealer and asking for a part by part # and not having to rely on some kid who doesnt know what you want or being told your bike is too old.
Where did you find the fiche? I've got a 400E so the US dealers don't have one for me
You should take the fiche to a University Library and print out each page for yourself once you get it. They are useless without the machine.