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A little advice please.

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      Renae -

      I don't think anyone here is attacking you or anything. I think we just find your situation to be incredible, as it is a rather unique one.

      As others said, your rpms (the dial on the right) should be around 1100 when you're not pulling the throttle, the choke is all the way in, and the bike is nicely warmed up. But from the sounds of it, yours is at 7000 (they give the first number's multiplied by 1000).

      Just to let you know what this is like, it's comparable to those drag cars they show on TV that do the REALLY fast starts and go for about 1/4 mile (or whatever it is). They begin by reving their engine really high (like your bike is doing). Then when the light goes green, they let out the clutch, their tires spin, and they go flying down the race track. You're basically in the same situation, except that your bike is light enough and powerful enough to get the front tire off the ground.

      Really, not a whole lot of us bikers go around pulling wheelies, as it is fairly difficult and dangerous (I've never done one). So for someone to be doing it fairly consistantly without crashing or hurting themselves is a little difficult to understand, especially someone who is relatively new to riding.

      With regular riding, the front wheel should always be on the ground and your RPMs probably should not go above 3 or 4 (3000 or 4000), at least until you become pretty good.

      So please excuse the joking and don't take anything personally. We'd love to help in any way possible. Best of luck to you.



        Some advice

        Renae, that is the coolest story I've read on this website. I love seeing women riding motorcycles. Why shouldn't they. My wife Debbie rides an 1150, she's 5'7' 140lbs. She had a Kat 550 and 83 550ES before, but no dirtbike experience.

        On long rides she couldn't keep up with the 1100's. So I gave her one. It brings a smile to my face when I see her accelerate onto the freeway and pass cars because she can.

        DON'T SELL THE BIKE! Turn down the idle or choke knob and continue to ride it. Let the clutch out slowly and be easy on the right twist grip. Buy a shop manual. Take a motorcycle training couse (MSF) Learn to work on it. Don't give your boyfriend the satisfaction. Carter
        GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES


          Renae, don't let these male a$$es get under your skin. I have the same problem/situation. My ex-girlfriend gave me a motorcycle a few weeks, I have ridden a few off road bikes but this thing is quite different. I think its called a Hiya Booza 13000 G-SEX or something like that....can't remember now. Well, I lent her the coin to get the bike, and then she dumped me to join the Cycle Circus (you know, the Circus where everybody rides motorcycles.....elephants....camels...monkeys..... .gold know). She was scouted/recruited by the Circus while practicing her "Super Fantastic Cannonball Hyper Cycle Air Mount Stoppie" where she would fire herself out of a cannon we built on the roof of the Sears Tower (a 100 plus floor downtown Chicago skyscraper). The cannon launches her about a 1/4 mile straight up and out from the top of the tower and she has to time it just right to land on a remote controlled (by me, now remoted by a groundhog) jet powered highly modified Honda 50Z hover-cycle (hovering at roughly 3,864 feet) which once "mounted" she would power dive bomb roughly 10 miles or so then landing at O'Hare International Airport landing at roughly 400mph and doing a 3 mile stoppie on the front wheel whilst clicking her heels and tap dancing on the rear fender. Pretty hot trick so I can see why the Cycle Circus wanted her.

          Anyways..... oh yeah...she dumped me and now I have this bike but it scares me. I have never been able to drive it on 2 wheels because it keeps wheeling! Even at a stop light, I'm sitting there on 1 wheel. When I give it gas I start to see rainbows and the surroundings start to blur and bend till I realize that I have gone back in time a few minutes and can see myself riding around on 1 wheel. Time travel gives me a headache. Seriously!!!!! Then.....sometimes the bike prefers to ride around on the front wheel. I guess the rear wheel on this Hiya Booza 13000 G-SEX also acts like one of those steam boats with the paddle wheel....except this one paddles the air. So OK, riding on the rear wheel is one thing but riding around on the front wheel? That's a little annoying. Anybody here know how to fix this? I took it to a Harley dealer and they ran me out of there after flogging me, painting big red circles on my forehead saying I needed an American Flag bandanna to get service there. Well, although I do like the circles they painted on me, I ain't wearing no bandanna you I decided to give the bike back to my girl and ate a big crow. She said she donated the bike to a family of squirrels in the Cycle Circus who use it for nut storage and transport. It takes like 12 squirrels to drive the bike (on one wheel still....usually the front the squirrels have said....) and they had to get a special liscense.

          I wish I could have learned to handle the Hiya Booza 13000 G-SEX. Sell the bike and get some rollerblades. Good luck!


            Aye, dont sell.
            My GS was my 1st bike ever, its a 750.
            On the course I took we learned on 125's.
            At 1st I was afraid of the size of my bike....125-750 is a big jump.
            But you know what...its been 7 months, 4000 Khm and the sheer joy I get from riding is amazing.
            Give it time, take a course...find a good bike shop you can trust...learn the basics if your intrested in that....take a course.
            80% of all motorcycle riders involved in an accident are self taught.
            That stat isnt just a random number, its from D.O.T. (Department of Transportation) (I think...diferent here in Canada).
            But most of all, enjoy.
            99.99999999999% of us here are nice people and very helpful....and yes, leg pullers.


              Do not sell that bike for only 1800. You'd be getting hosed.Better yet , get it squared away and KEEP IT. Then ride the daylights out of it.


                Originally posted by 77gs550
                Renae, don't let these male a$$es get under your skin. I have the same problem/situation. My ex-girlfriend gave me a motorcycle a few weeks, I have ridden a few off road bikes but this thing is quite different. I think its called a Hiya Booza 13000 G-SEX or something like that....can't remember now. Well, I lent her the coin to get the bike, and then she dumped me to join the Cycle Circus (you know, the Circus where everybody rides motorcycles.....elephants....camels...monkeys..... .gold know). She was scouted/recruited by the Circus while practicing her "Super Fantastic Cannonball Hyper Cycle Air Mount Stoppie" where she would fire herself out of a cannon we built on the roof of the Sears Tower (a 100 plus floor downtown Chicago skyscraper). The cannon launches her about a 1/4 mile straight up and out from the top of the tower and she has to time it just right to land on a remote controlled (by me, now remoted by a groundhog) jet powered highly modified Honda 50Z hover-cycle (hovering at roughly 3,864 feet) which once "mounted" she would power dive bomb roughly 10 miles or so then landing at O'Hare International Airport landing at roughly 400mph and doing a 3 mile stoppie on the front wheel whilst clicking her heels and tap dancing on the rear fender. Pretty hot trick so I can see why the Cycle Circus wanted her.

                Anyways..... oh yeah...she dumped me and now I have this bike but it scares me. I have never been able to drive it on 2 wheels because it keeps wheeling! Even at a stop light, I'm sitting there on 1 wheel. When I give it gas I start to see rainbows and the surroundings start to blur and bend till I realize that I have gone back in time a few minutes and can see myself riding around on 1 wheel. Time travel gives me a headache. Seriously!!!!! Then.....sometimes the bike prefers to ride around on the front wheel. I guess the rear wheel on this Hiya Booza 13000 G-SEX also acts like one of those steam boats with the paddle wheel....except this one paddles the air. So OK, riding on the rear wheel is one thing but riding around on the front wheel? That's a little annoying. Anybody here know how to fix this? I took it to a Harley dealer and they ran me out of there after flogging me, painting big red circles on my forehead saying I needed an American Flag bandanna to get service there. Well, although I do like the circles they painted on me, I ain't wearing no bandanna you I decided to give the bike back to my girl and ate a big crow. She said she donated the bike to a family of squirrels in the Cycle Circus who use it for nut storage and transport. It takes like 12 squirrels to drive the bike (on one wheel still....usually the front the squirrels have said....) and they had to get a special liscense.

                I wish I could have learned to handle the Hiya Booza 13000 G-SEX. Sell the bike and get some rollerblades. Good luck!
                Now there's a story i have no trouble believing


                  Aw, just [don't] walk away, Renae. A librarian in Main[e] who can't spell a lick ? Maybe you're French Canadian ? If you traded this idiot, mooching boyfriend for this bike you got a screamin' deal ! Don't sell it, especially to a non-appreciative Harley dealer. Take the MSF (that's Motorcycle Safety Foundation) course, become a good rider, and you'll have a blast--and meet a better boyfriend. Good luck.


                    Don't sell the bike! You need a new boyfriend who knows what the screws on the carbs do, where did you live again?
                    Oh and we (I) want a PICTURE of you and the bike


                      She's gone guys.
                      Renae, if you do comeback, please forgive the welcome you got. There have been jokes played in the past where someone pretends to be a girl or a new rider, etc. If you read some of these old posts you would understand. This is a good group once you get to know them.
                      Trust me, no harm meant. Our mistake.
                      And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
                      Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


                        Bad! Shame shame... you guys all fail either way. Either you scared off a potentially good GS memeber, or you fell victum to a very good prank.

                        I stayed out of it until now. I have the talent to get into trouble without walking directly into it


                          I'm sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes here, but I felt that Renae's story was simply too amazing to believe. I guess that maybe we'll never really know for sure. My impression was that she is a VERY good, VERY experienced rider who was out to have a little fun on the message boards. I can't imagine anyone but an experienced rider being able to ride those kinds of wheelies without a crash and burn.


                            I am not knowing why it is that whenever there is being a serious new member wishing to come to our site, there are being people here wanting to ridicule and ostrichsize him (or her).

                            This is not being the way to promote the GSR site. GSR is not standing for "Get Stupid Responses". It is being a site for the obtainment of technical advices and a site for the promoting of friendships. My poor brother (may Shiva embrace him) has been one who has fallen victim to the pranksterness of certain individuals here and there have also been attempts being made on my person. Luckily, I am prepared and being forewarned. You will have to be one early worm to be catching this bird with your jokes and snidely remarks

                            So, please be somewhat more considerate to these new individuals. I have no idea of why you are always believing them to be hoax's. Remember, some people were once even believing that I was at some time a hoax myself.


                              HOOK, Line And Sinker.


                                "Get Stupid Responses".

                                good one#############

