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What is this?

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    What is this?

    Anybody know what this is? Is it for the 8 valve motor?


    Re: What is this?

    Originally posted by Hap Call
    On Dennis Kirk the part # is superceded by this:

    Part Number: 09263-25008
    Description: RN 25X31X20 BRG
    Price: $11.79

    It seems it's a roller needle bearing

    or did you already know that?



      I can't think of anywhere in the top end for a bearing such as that, unless it goes in the con-rod for the wristpin. My 850 has no such bearings. I do remember such a bearing when I rebuilt my TS125 dirt bike for the con-rod. I looked on bike bandit and couldn't find anything that size. I did notice that the RN in front of the size may siginify where it is located. In all the 1100 diagrams, the crank end of the con-rods all had bearings that began with RN. Maybe it doesn't actually fit an 1100.



        I believe that this is the bearing that goes between the crankshaft and the gear on the starter clutch.

        There were originally two bearings about half as wide installed. When I replaced the starter clutch and rotor on my GK, the parts fiche listed the wide bearing as superceding the two narrow ones.

        I have had that bearing in my motor for about four years without any problems.

        The number Robinjo listed is the same as listed on Bike Bandit for the GK. I am beginning to think that the rotating assembly, starter, starter clutch, clutch and ignition rotor are the same whether shafted or chained.


          No! It's the muffler bearing


            Originally posted by SqDancerLynn1
            No! It's the muffler bearing
            I already knew that 8) 8)


              The muffler bearing is much larger and comes with different Left and Right side part numbers!



                It is the starter clutch bearing, 2 are listed on bikebandit. Probably a common part for a few of the motors as I looked up a GS1100ET.


                  2 questions:
                  WHY would anyone buy a simple rollerbearing for 10 bucks off ebay?
                  WHAT the h##l does "NOS" stand for? I see it all over parts on ebay. :?


                    The later roller muffler bearing replaced the framis bushing that was tested on some pre-production types.

                    Clone, NOS= New Old Stock (or $hit) It's the stuff that has been (so they say... :roll: ) 'lovingly preserved through the years' for later generations. Which is marketing for 'Thank God we can unload this crap and recoup some of our investment.'


                      NOS====== New Old Stock
                      NOS= slang= Nitrous


                        I'm familiar with the nitrous oxide=NOS one, but not the other. Thanks


                          NOS ain't always bad, some of those parts have saved my butt when they are no longer available anywhere but junk yards. You just have to make sure you get a good look at what your buying before you commit.

