Yesterday I replaced the headgasket and all other topend gaskets in my 850. After I buttoned it up I tried to start her up. I got the engine to turn over and eventually start but there was a very high pitched and LOUD squeeling as the bike attemped to idle. I shut it off immidatedly. From that i deducted that something may be off with the timing/cam chain tensioner or something wasnt lubed properly or i bolted something on too tight. Today I went back and opened the head back up. When i installed the cam chain I did just as the book said and lined the no.1 mark with the gasket and no2. pointed to the first pin in the chain and counted 20 pins to the Intake Cam. I also checked with a trusty McDonalds straw in the 1 and 4 spark plug holes to see if the timing was adjusted to TDC and that is affermative. The thing i am curious about is that the lobes on the IN and EX cams are not completly opposite, that is if EX is facing right than the corresponding IN lobe sould be facing left. Could that be the problem (that they are not completely aligned) or is the 20 pin thing not quite accuarate in the book, or I just did it wrong? Or could it be the cam tensioner (a whole other can o' worms)
Any ideas guys??