At the end of the riding season, my gs850g (1981) blew the head gasket. I have replaced it together with few few other hoses. After that i fired it up and the first thing was oil shooting everywhere. It actually took me some 30 minutes to realise I forgat to put on rpm cable

I tried to do carbs, but in frustration ended up making my local mechanic rich. $500 for cleaning, tuning, new battery and a new chocke cable installed.
But before he took the bike he was concerned with oil pressure light being on. So he first checked the compression which was exelent in all cilinders, thanks to my rebuilding and help from people I got here.

Then he checked the oil pressure and sure enough it was good. So than he asked me did you put this oil cooler on? My answer was no, I got the bike like that. He said I didnt need it and should take it off.
My oil pressure light went on when I replaced the hoses on the cooler. I thought the oil was comming from there before I had to admit it was a blown head gasket. I thought my hoses were too long, so I kept clipping them untill they were so tight I was worried they would brake. Also I think I might have bent few fins on the cooler it self while I had it off. I'll try straightening them to see what happens. The hoses I got from local hydraulic supplys store, and they were exact match to the originals.
Is this correct? Can I take my oil cooler of? Could it be this is why my pressure light is on? And how would I patch the holes where the oil lines begin at the bottom end? Can I just put in couple short screws in there? Is there a way to check whats wrong with my pressure sensor?
Thanks for any info, and I'll see you on the roads in few weeks.
PS. sorry for the long post in terrible English, but I just wanted to present every little thing.