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82 GS650E will NOT START:(

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    82 GS650E will NOT START:(

    Hi guys, I have looked around your forum and have read everything I could find on people having trouble with hard starting or no starting, and I have tried everything everyone has sugested short of getting a new CDI thingy.

    I am very new to bikes, I just got this 82 gs650 around September of 2003.

    It ran GREAT never EVER had a problem I parked it in the shed for about 3 or 4 months and I recently decided to ride it around since the ice and snow is finally off the streets, and it wont start. I have replaced the gas, removed and cleaned the carbs throughly, the needle and seat appear fine. Diafram good, Floats are good. Pecock is good, the carbs definatly get gas, NEW battery, replaced the spark plugs, I have a good strong fat spark, air cleaner appears fine annd I have good compression. I can't understand why it wont start!

    I am very much a do it yourselfer and would like to be able to fix this thing myself, with the help of you guys of course. I have done everything my Clymer manual has said to do for hard starting and nothing works. It did start one day and idled like crap, HIGH idle, looow idle, good idle, Hiiiiiigh idle, dead... It sounds like a manifold leak but everything seems to be in good conditoin.

    It is push button start and If I try and start it for about a minute total the battery dies, lights still work but wont crank the engine, is that right? I noticed the gas guage is always on, I don't know if this is correct or not with suzuki motorcycles. None the less the thing gets power, gas, spark = START.. yes? The plugs are in good condition, do smell a little gasy but I think I read on here that, that is normal.

    I have tried the choke on every setting, nothing.

    I appreciate any information anyone can give me, just please don't tell me to take it to a mechanic :P


    You mentioned the gas guage so I'll ease your mind on that one. There is a magnetic fluid in the guage that keeps it in position when the bike is turned off.

    As for the CDI, you wouldn't have spark if it was dead. Well, you wouldn't have it on all cylinders anyway. If you are still concerned about it go to a big wrecker and ask them to try your bike with another CDI. Tell them you'll buy it if your bike works because of it.

    Good luck, Steve


      Thank you for the reply steve

      Thanks for the info on the gas guage too thats good to know.

      What you said about the CDI box caused me to search for more information on the CDI and what it does, based on what I have read I can basicly count the CDI box out as the cause of it not starting.

      Perhaps you could help me with this then, in my carb, when I first took the bastard apart I noticed there was a kind of sticky lube coating on the diafram, normal? If so I THINK that it is there so it gets a better seal? However, I am now going through the carbs for about the 4th time now, as I type this. And I am back at the diafram and notice there is no coating of stickyness on the diafram, should I get some vasoline and coat it a lil around the edges? Leave it be?

      Thanks again, I really appreciate it.


        I'm interested to find out the cause since I'm at the same point of just getting my bike put together to start it up.

        Dm of mD


          SPray a touch od starting fluid into the airbox, and crank. If you get fire, you ain't getting fule, or a bad mix.

          Are the plugs getting wet? Pull them out right after cranking the hell out of it, and see if they smell of gas.

          I'd bet they don't, the fuel ain't making it to the cylindars.

          Something that worked for me, your mileage (and damage) may vary. Pull the fuel line from the petcock, and blow into it with a compressor (low pressure, don't feed 125PSI into it unless you like the sound of rupturing seals.) Work the throttle a few times while applying pressure. Let it blow the carbs out completely.

          Now re-apply that fuel line to the petcock, and let the bowls fill. Crank her up.

          You do have clean gas in the tank, and not the 4 month old stuff that has been sitting outside, right?


            yes I belive I said the plugs are getting wet but perhaps I didnt make it clear, yeah if I crank it alot and remove a few spark plugs, they reak of gas and I can even see they are wet with gas.

            Yes you are correct I have new gas in the tank, drained the tank as much as I could and put new gas in it.

            I thought of putting my air compressor onto the line like you said but I was afraid of what might happen like you said with blowing the gaskets and stuff, but if it worked for you, Im desperate enough at this point I will try anything.

            Same with the starting fluid,I was and am reluctant on using it from what I have read on your forums here, that it is a quick way to kill an engine, but oh well :P I'll try that too.

            As of right now though I have the carbs off the bike and are apart, I am tripple checking everything, all appears well EXECPT for what I said earlier about the sticky substance that was ONCE on the diaframs and is no longer there, I was hoping I could get a quick answere on that one cause I would like to get it back togeather and try and start her up asap.

            Should I recoat the diafram with some sort of gooky substance? What should I use? Or should there even be a sticky substance on them? My worthless manual dosent say anything about it. Anyone know what Im talking about?


              LOL what the heck it put number signs "####" on my word g.o.o.k.y lol :roll:

              "Should I recoat the diafram with some sort of ####y substance? "


                It is push button start and If I try and start it for about a minute total the battery dies, lights still work but wont crank the engine, is that right?
                It sounds to me like you might need a new battery. If the battery is weak and not holding a full charge that could be your problem. I know my 83 GS1100GK won't crank with out a full charge on the battery, it needs the full charge to get enough spark to fire it up when it has been sitting for a few weeks. Hope this helps.


                  It is push button start and If I try and start it for about a minute total the battery dies, lights still work but wont crank the engine, is that right?
                  It sounds to me like you might need a new battery. If the battery is weak and not holding a full charge that could be your problem. I know my 83 GS1100GK won't crank with out a full charge on the battery, it needs the full charge to get enough spark to fire it up when it has been sitting for a few weeks. Hope this helps.


                    SHE LIVES!!!!... sorta

                    Dgeorge, its a Brand New battery, like 2 or 3 weeks old, filled correctly and everything. I got it at wallmart it was what the computer there said to get but I SWARE the positive and negitive things are backwards!! even the battery drain tube is backwards like on the right side insted of the left, I had to re-route my positive and negitive wires just to get it to connect... Just dosent seem right..

                    I was FINALLY able to get it to run though!! the Diaphram thing I was talking about I put some neosporin on it lol I figgured it was kinda like vaseline petroleum jelly heh.. adjusted my floats to what the book says anyware from 21.04 mm to 23.04 mm so I stuck it at 22.04 buuuut, the needle hardly depresses from the float now. I left it there though book knows best right? (shrug)

                    So then I get to "attempting" to sync the carbs, but I only get a reading on my carbtune II carb synker when the choke is on, it totally wouldnt read at anything like below 3.5k rpm without the choke. Cant be right. But it was running, and thats the only setting I could get a read out of, so I left it around 3k rpm and tried to sync the carbs it did run alot smoother.

                    So now I go to ride it, sucks ass in 1k-3k rpm, second gear VOOM 3k and up, RULES, but it dies when you come to a stop and dosent want to start again.. Then battery died, not enough to crank the engine and I had to push it home .. I assume it has to do with my idle? Perhaps my floats too high?

                    On your bike will your battery die if you try and start it for a while?


