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tires information

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    tires information

    Can anyone direct me to information on Chen Shin and Maxxi tires?

    Don't know about Cheng Shin, but here's Maxxis:



      Maxxis tyres are made by Chen Shing.




        Thank you for the information.

        These tires cost little money. Are there any reviews out there regarding quality?



 They have lots of tires. Have bought from them, quick delivery. No problems with chen shin tires yet.


            Cheng Chin are at the bottom of barrel for tires I wouldn't buy them. The Maxxis is a possibility, Alot depends on the type of riding you do


              These tires cost little money. Are there any reviews out there regarding quality?
              Keep in mind that the Cheng Shin's are an economy tire. That is their place in the market. This means you will not get the newest designs or rubber compounds. The rubber compund is also biased towards longer mileage, so it does not grip like premium rubber, either. However, if you use them for mild riding, take care of them (inflation, etc.) and realize what their design intent is, then you might find them very suitable for your uses.

              You do get what you pay for in tires, to a point. But don't forget that when you buy premium tires you are also paying for the big ad campaign, top rider endorsement costs, racing costs, etc. There is none of this with the bargain tires.

              As for use, I would not put Cheng Shin's on my bike because I expect more from tires than they are really meant to give and I accept the higher prices that come with higher performance. I would put the Maxxis Super Maxx tires on my bike with no hesitation at all. I would actually like to try them this summer, but I do not have a local dealer who carries them and no cheap mail order in Canada (at least that I have found), so I am out of luck at the moment.



                I run the Cheng Shin Hi-Max tires on my 85 550E. For the price I am very happy with them. They seem to last longer than the Dunlops I had (that cost twice as much), and they are pretty grippy (I can drag steel around the corners). They slide predictably, so all in all, I like them.

                The Hi-Max is the top of their performance line, is H rated (thus really fast bikes need not apply), and limited in sizes.

                As the book "Twist of the Wrist" eluded to: tires that slide predictably and earlier than the best, will make you a better rider when you finally do run the best. (poor wording but you get the point).

                I wonder how many people really push their tires to the design limits...I doubt it is even 5 percent (and I classify myself in the 95 percent range).



                  I have run Chen Shin Barracuda, Marquis, Hi Max, and Maxxis tires and find that they are comparable to the state of the art tire in the early seventies.

                  I have never had any real problems with them. I run Dunlops pretty much all the time now but if I need a tire and it comes down to ordering a Dunlop and waiting a month to get it or buying a King or Chen Shen and riding. I'll buy the Chen Shin.



                    I have been running a cheng shin hi-max on the front of my bike and like it better than the dunlop I had on it.
                    very good tire for the money, good grip, good feedback, you know what is going on, the dunlop had no feedback and didn't inspire confidence.
                    I went out today and picked up a fresh set of the hi-max's.
                    this is not the same old cheng shin, they have greatly improved the quality of their tires.



                      Thank you for the discourse. I think they will serve me.

                      I appreciate the insight and expereince,



                        Both of my 1150's have Maxxis front tires on them. My local dealer had a close out price of $ 45.00 on the Maxxis 120 / 80 V 16. He had two of them, so I baught them both. Installed one in 2002, & the other in 2003. They both seem to be doing fine so far. Don't really need the V rating, any more, but for 45 bucks, I'll take them, and am happy as can be with both

