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A little more help with the 1150/Dyna ignition problem, pls

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    A little more help with the 1150/Dyna ignition problem, pls

    Been trying to figure out what I needed to get the 1150 going (the CDI died). Really don't want to spend the amount needed to get a Dyna 2000 (though from what I think I know now, it would solve the problem in one nice little package). So I looked at the Dyna III, which on sale at a very nice price, but needs a mechanical advance. So asked the benevolent gurus here to imbue me with the much needed knowledge (thank you very much BTW).

    But I found some confusing information.
    Found at least one post that said the 1150 could not be retofitted with an older GS mechanical advance, thereby ruling out the use of a Dyna III. But I found another post where it had been done, except it was done about 10 years ago so maybe it's that the current Dyna III unit won't work in the 1150 with an older advance but it used to.
    Also the mechanical advance off my 82 1100E does fit on the 1150 but the arc of the rotor head is quite a bit less than that of the original.
    I'm so confused
    I really want to get the bike running but also want to keep my promise to my son about paying for his college :x .
    Can anyone clarify this or point out what I'm not getting?

    Re: A little more help with the 1150/Dyna ignition problem,

    Pete you said, "Also the mechanical advance off my 82 1100E does fit on the 1150 but the arc of the rotor head is quite a bit less than that of the original.

    Now, I'm the one thats confused. :-) The arc of the rotor head? the rotor turns 360 deg of arc. The diameter of the Dyna rotor is not the same as the stock rotor, but the Dyna sensors/plate assembly is manufactured to align with their rotor head. You cannot use a stock suzuki rotor with the Dyna sensor/pickup plate. I guess I'm a little slow tonight.
    Care to elaborate?


    Originally posted by pjackson
    But I found some confusing information.
    Found at least one post that said the 1150 could not be retofitted with an older GS mechanical advance, thereby ruling out the use of a Dyna III. But I found another post where it had been done, except it was done about 10 years ago so maybe it's that the current Dyna III unit won't work in the 1150 with an older advance but it used to.
    Also the mechanical advance off my 82 1100E does fit on the 1150 but the arc of the rotor head is quite a bit less than that of the original.
    I'm so confused
    I really want to get the bike running but also want to keep my promise to my son about paying for his college :x .
    Can anyone clarify this or point out what I'm not getting?
    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

    I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


      Yeah, my bad . Not arc, it's the radius that's smaller. I didn't realize the Dyna unit came with a rotor, assumed they had you use the stock one, but (duh once again) makes sense they'd supply one they knew would be the correct size.


        Aw, its OK. We make a good pair. You cant talk and I cant listen. Its a wonder we communicate and get anything done at all. :-) :-) :-) :-)


        Originally posted by pjackson
        Yeah, my bad . Not arc, it's the radius that's smaller. I didn't realize the Dyna unit came with a rotor, assumed they had you use the stock one, but (duh once again) makes sense they'd supply one they knew would be the correct size.
        Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

        I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


          SAVE your old rotor, they can be hard to find if you ever want to replace the stock ign


            So is it the consensus that the Dyna III can be used on the 1150 (with a 82 1100E or similar advance)?
            I guess my concern is that Dyna's description doesn't list the 1150 as an application for the III model and from what I read in another post either they or Murdoch Racing (I think it was) said it would not work either.
            But from what I can see it should. The 82's advance unit will mount on the 1150 block (and fits within the original cover). Mayhaps they said it wouldn't work for some other reason? Maybe it can be mounted but won't operate properly? It didn't look to me that the unit would be restricted in any way, i.e. that the weights wouldn't be able to swing out fully due to lack of room. Of course, I guess all this assumes the 1100's advance curve will be "good enough" for the 1150.


              The advance curves are the same..32 deg. I have spoken with Murdoch racing and they know what the are talking about. I see no reason the Dyna III would not work, but if they say it will not, I would believe them.
              I would phone them and explain what you have and ask why it would not work. They may have stated (if they made the statement i the first place) that it would not work because the 1150 does not have the required mechanical advance the Dyna III needs. Call and find out.


              Originally posted by pjackson
              So is it the consensus that the Dyna III can be used on the 1150 (with a 82 1100E or similar advance)?
              I guess my concern is that Dyna's description doesn't list the 1150 as an application for the III model and from what I read in another post either they or Murdoch Racing (I think it was) said it would not work either.
              But from what I can see it should. The 82's advance unit will mount on the 1150 block (and fits within the original cover). Mayhaps they said it wouldn't work for some other reason? Maybe it can be mounted but won't operate properly? It didn't look to me that the unit would be restricted in any way, i.e. that the weights wouldn't be able to swing out fully due to lack of room. Of course, I guess all this assumes the 1100's advance curve will be "good enough" for the 1150.
              Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

              I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                Pete PM Doze he did this mod just before the old forum died and was going to repost it but never has(hint hint Doze )


                  Well I ordered the Dyna III last night after PMing with Doze.
                  When (if ) I get it all buttoned back together and running I'll post the results and what it took to do, in case inquiring minds want to know....
                  Thanks all for the info and suggestions.
                  I guess I will be looking for a mechanical advance unit to replace the one I'll be swiping from the 1100 (as it's still scattered all over the garage), so if anyone has one to sell please let me know.

