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Removing Rust spots
Removing Rust spots
Does anyone have info on how to remove rust spots from chrom and steel on motorcycles? NOthing heavy just small spots of rust.Tags: None
I use a product called "NAval Jelly". It's available at most auto stores and is a pink sweet smelling chemical compound. Take a q-tip and dab some where you want to cure the rust...let it sit for 5 minutes and watch it eat the rust...wipe it off...wax the area and you're good to go!
Dm of mD
I hear a lot of people say the naval jelly will is meant for surfaces you plan on painting since it will discolor the surface a dark shade. I would think that would mean keep it away from chrome. any idea?
Hi Mark, I'm pretty partial to "Never Dull" You can get it at most Auto Parts super stores like Advance Auto Parts or Autozone. It comes in a silver looking can and is made by Eagle Brand. It looks like wet house insulation but it works wonders on rusty chrome. Just pinch some off and start rubbing, you can then finish up with a clean dry cloth and then use some wax if you want.
My 550's chrome was coated in surface rust after being stored in a barn for six years. Never Dull made it look nearly new again. Good Luck to you. 8)
Navel Jelly works wonders on chrome. Don't let it on there for hours. Clean it off. I use it all the time. Also, the cola is not a joke, cola and a piece of aluminum foil and rube her down good. Then rince of course. You wont believe your eyes.
Good old Turtle Wax Chrome Polish works too but takes a lot of elbow grease.
The best stuff I ever used on chrome is Quick-Glo? manufactured by Quick-Way Brands Corp , chrome cleaner and rust remover. Non toxic has a gritty fell to it. I have used it to clean up old chrome fenders on Schwinn bicycles. Check a good bicycle shop in your area for some. It is in a red, white and blue plastic jar with a screw top lid.
Just curious, I'm going to go out today and buy one of these products today, but I was wondering if the chrome rust, when I remove the rust will the chrome be destroyed under it?
Mark, If you just have normal surface rust, then any of these products will restore your chrome to a pretty good lustre but, if you have badly pitted deep down in rust that has eaten all the way thru the chrome and well into the metal, even the toughest rust removers can't perform miracles. Just give it a try and see how it goes.
Good Luck!! 8)