I'm shopping for coils.
Bike Bandit doesn't list the 1981 GS650E specifically, but they have pictures for the GS650Gx, and for the GS750E.
Here's the conflict -- the picture for the 650G matches what is on my bike.
But the Suzuki dealers, and bikebandit tell me to order the other -- more expensive coils that look different -- and are also spec.d for the 750E among others.
So, either my bike has been modified, or the catalog is wrong.
Could somebody with a gs650E tell me this -- Are your electrical contacts on the opposite side of the coil from the spark plug wires -- like mine? Or are there electrical wires coming out of the coil from the SAME side as the spark plug wires -- (like the more expensive coils they want to sell me)?
This link shows the 650GX with the slightly less expensive coils that actually look like the ones on my 650E.
I know they're all similar, and I wouldn't worry about it, except that I'm told there are some 3 ohm coils and some 7 ohm coils, and I don't want to accidentally get the wrong ones, new or used. On the other hand, if my bike was modified with the wrong ones, I want to fix that.
Clear as mud yet?