When I bought this bike, the odometer showed 25,300 miles. Four full riding seasons and 50,000+ later, the bike is doing just fine, running the way it's supposed to, and giving me mile after mile of solid, cheap pleasure. A bike either runs perfectly or it doesn't -- either/or, black/white, right/wrong, on/off, like a light switch. This bike is on, and has been for 4 years.
When I bought it, I took it to my favorite mechanic, who proceeded to do a State inspection, carb cleanup, valve adjustment, etc. He replaced five of the eight valve shims, which led me to believe at the time that those may well have been original shims.
Since then, the GK has seen the shop only four times, each visit a scheduled tune-up late in the year. I take it to the shop in late November. I don't do carbs and valves, just as some folks don't do windows. It is at this annual checkup that the plugs are changed, air cleaner (a K&N unit) is serviced, gear lube is replaced both in the middle and final drive. Every two years this excellent Suzuki-trained mechanic changes my fork oil and the brake fluid.
The cheapest 87 octane gas goes in the tank, whatever's available, and never any detonation or pinging. Never any difference in performance. 10W40 motorcycle-specific dinosaur oil. Right now I'm using Quaker State brand of the above, which I bought at Walmart. I've also used Valvoline 10W40 motorcycle-specific, at AutoZone. Change of oil and filter (usually Fram 6000) every 2,000 miles or so.
Four years and 50,000 miles. Only problem has been the demise of the exhaust gaskets in late 2002, which caused an exhaust leak that made that pssst sound -- annoying indeed, but the bike kept on running. Kevin removed those stubborn exhaust bolts, installed new exhaust gaskets, and no problems since.
The only other objection I have to these four years is the GK's failed attempt at deer hunting in late 2001. Successful hunt (killed the damn doe...) resulted in owner being hospitalized for 11 days with ....... Many of you know the rest of the sob story. $500 and a lot of eBay and personal purchases later, the GK was on the road again, ready to continue rolling. It now has a GS850 front end and triple tree, and stock GK fairing was replaced by a Windjammer faring and lowers, and no-name trunk to replace the original Suzuki unit -- hence, the "Hybrid GK".
Additions consist of a custom seat constructed from the original pan to fit my tush, by Diamond Custom Seat in Florida. $400, all of them well worth it. Another addition is braided brake lines for the front -- a welcome improvement. Everything else is stock. Custom seat pics below.
Stator and regulator are stock, never replaced by me or the previous owner. Regulator is grounded directly to battery. No electrical or charging problems ever. Actually, in all my years of riding GS bikes, since 1986, I've only had one stator problem, on an 850. Nothing since then. I guess I'm one lucky guy, but then again, people make their own luck more often than not...
So, I'm looking forward to another wonderful 50,000 miles out of this bike in the next four years. Folks, ride your bikes -- that's the best way to keep them running. Use it or lose it. There's no reason that bike won't be able to give me many thousands more trouble-free miles. Compression is even and up to specs, everything works on it, it's fast, it starts immediately every time, it idles smoothly, it accelerates, it runs with the expensive Gold Wings and Beemers, and it's mine.
The reason for this boring post is that we always read of technical problems in this forum, which is, of course, expected; yet I thought it would be appropriate to share a "no-problems-I'm-happy" message with y'all. Let's share some mileage milestones on these "fora" (forums).
So, GS owners, we're the owners of excellent motorcycles that will keep on running in spite of us. Let us continue to cherish them ----
and ride the hell out of them!
[img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0VgDYAlQaQoD*veMdy2fBSyUEBdMP5ijtA!o8LkfhaDLA*TPZo TNFUhU3z8Lz8QNVzRRIaSyWsEqU2geaPyF94gp2UsVTyWR0Xv3 LoepRQTWGCPdNfWVqxdqk4F3ahYgU/New%20Diamond%20seat4.jpg?dc=4675394355916884338[/img]