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Yikes, awful fuel economy.

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    I'm ready buddy, rock on!


      Damnit damnit damnit damnit to hell.


      I put the bike at 5 turns out on the bloody pilot screws and now the bitch won't start. Good God I feel like breaking something....namely that damnable bike. I don't get it....

      Let me ask you all a question, Is there a setting for the idle adjustment knob? I ask this because after all my sunrise work this morning I can't think of anything that would cause the bike not to start now besides there not being enough "turning-in" at the idle adj knob.
      Yes...the bloody run switch was on "Run" and the fuel was on as well. I just don't frickin understand this. I have the thing lean as sizzlean and it starts. I make it the way it's supposed to be and frickin nothing but a big BAM from the tailpipes after 15 minutes of off and on trying to start it.
      God I need to calm down...

      I'm really starting to fear that getting this damn thing right is going to cost me hundreds of dollars. :x

      What the hell did I not do that is causing it to not start? I turned the idle adj knob in some until it hit the throttle plate and moved it a few mm's.
      I set the mixture screws to 5 turns out like the dynojet manual says.
      I set the E-clips at the 4th notch and took out the adjusting washers.
      I put the carbs back together the right way. WTF is missing?!?!?!

      *damnit I'm going for a walk before I snap, it's too damn early in the morning for this. What the hell was I thinking*

      Dm of mD


        I wish I had something to offer man but I am in the same boat as you when it comes to experience on this issue.

        Get yourself some fresh air, a good breakfast, some coffee if you drink it and rest assured that you will get there. There are so many guys on here that know these bikes inside and out that eventually you will get it to click but it does take time. Your like me and want the instant fix, heck who doesn't? But posting, waiting, and replying all takes time so just be patient with it bro. You had it running already, you'll get it running again


          Thank you for the encouragement Hoomgar. I haven't been so *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$ed that my eyes were teary in years...but I was this morning. I just can't understand it. It just doesn't make any sense why it would run when the settings are wrong but won't run when the settings are right. It's just so illogical that it is killing me. I can't find a damned thing wrong with this stupid thing and it won't work.
          I'll just wait and see if anyone can help me. If not this is going to have to go on the backburner till I can save up to take it to the stealership.
          And that would be at least another 4 months to save up the 300.00+ bill that they're sure to slap me with.

          Dm of mD


            The pilot screws should never be set at 5 turns out. They are out of their range at that setting anyway. Put them at about 2 turns out for a starting point. There is no exact setting on the idle screwknob. You adjust it when the bike is warmed up for around 1100 rpm.
            Did you replace the o-rings for the manifolds? Did you manually re-sinc' the carbs per your manual?
            And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
            Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


              Yes, I did manually resync the carbs and there is the same spacing on all the butterfly valves. Maybe I'm confusing what a "full turn" is on the pilot screws. What I do is make a mark on the carb body for where one side of the slot on the screw is. Then I insert the screwdriver and turn it till that side of the slot that is closest to the mark rotates allllllll the way back around till it gets to the mark me that is one full turn.
              Am I right?
              I will try the carbs at 3.5 turns out since it ran lean at 3 turns out.
              I should have done that in the first place instead of following that bogus dynojet manual. Confusing crud.... :x

              Okay...resetting pilot screws to 3.5 turns out. If it runs lean adjust to 4 turns out.
              All other settings are as written in the dynojet manual. e-clip on 4th notch with no adj washer.

              *sigh* God give me strength...

              Thank you all, when this is done and running I'm going to do something for you all that helped me. If it ain't anything but mailing you a thank you card with 5 dollars in it I'm doing something. Cause I know I can't handle this on my own.

              Thank you all,
              Dm of mD


                Originally posted by Detman101
                *sigh* God give me strength...

                Thank you all, when this is done and running I'm going to do something for you all that helped me. If it ain't anything but mailing you a thank you card with 5 dollars in it I'm doing something. Cause I know I can't handle this on my own.

                Thank you all,
                Dm of mD

                LOL! You don't have to pay people Detman But a ride would be nice.


                  Yes, a ride would be very nice. It sounds so far away...
                  It gets me so down.
                  But I've got a plan of action and a person who has volunteered to come help me out. If he can get it running or just show me what i'm doing wrong I would be uber-grateful. I wonder if he has a synch-tool?

                  I don't like being upset cause I'll do something stupid and just ride the bike lean till the engine blows up if that's the only way it will run.
                  I don't want to get fed up with it cause I know I'll just break it and buy another bike. I really like this one...I've put so much into it already that I feel like it's made by me for me. It has been a labor of love...I don't even do this much for/with my girlfriend. I guess that's why this hurts so bad that it won't run. I've already fallen in love with this bike and it's stabbing me in the heart that it won't work. It's so though it was running lean)...I can work on's sporty...
                  The amenities just don't seem to end with this beautiful bike. But if I'm going to keep it I need it to run because I don't need a lawn ornament.

                  Dm of mD


                    And this wont be the last time you need to set it up either if you keep it for the long haul so learning how is going to be beneficial


                      I will try to keep positive. Thanks again Hoomgar. I do need to know these things. *sigh* The school of life is so much more frustrating than college was. :? But I'll beat this too...

                      Dm of mD


                        put the mix screws back at where the bike like them, don't worry to much about the lean while your are fiddling with it, (lean condition won't kill the motor that quick just don't ride it on a 120 mile trip.)

                        do me a favor and pull the air filters and start the bike see if anything changes. take it for a little spin less then a mile and see if it is still squirlly. if you can get it to idle around 2k then try to snynce the carbs with your meter. if it works better turn the screws out one more turn and see how that goes, all the time no air filters.

                        i'll keep checking this today

                        78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
                        82 Kat 1000
                        10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
                        Some dirt bikes


                          I don't have a carb-sync tool. I used the "Drill-bit method" to adjust them to the same height.

                          I will try the "No-filters" method as you described and also clean and regap the sparkplugs. If It runs without the air filters what do I do when I put them back on?

                          Dm of mD


                            hrmm, the pilot screws let in air correct? if so then going leans it dosn't it? or am I all back as*wards again? anyway the ones on my 650 were 2.5-3 turns out when I got it so thats what I put them back to when I put the carbs back together and it runs fine. get a spray bottle full of water and with the bike at idle spray the carb boots between carb and engine looking for leaks. if there is a leak when the water seals it temporarily the rpm will increase.


                              I don't know if I would do that? It sounds like as it starts leaking again it will be because it has sucked the small amount of water into the engine. Not a good idea. Even a small amount.


                                My manifold boots do not leak. The surging I experienced before was because the bike was running lean and overheating. It cut off on me twice because My mid-range Jet needles were too high. I got that bit sorted out now. The low end/idle is where I'm fouling up.

                                Soon to be fixed.

                                Dm of mD

