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Stupid mistake!

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    Stupid mistake!

    Remember this happened on a very hectic day. About two weeks ago I was cleaning my engine, and I also had number 1 spark plug out (not intentionally-I said it has been hectic). After running an errand I came back to the bike and instead of grabbing my cleaning spray I grabbed my cable lubricant. I got a little into cylinder 1 before I realized my mistake. Then something else came up, and today is the first time I have had a chance to get back to my bike.

    Well, I needed to replace a plug so I replaced all 4. The bike did finally warm up enough to idle decently, but for the longest time #1 exhaust pipe was cold, and the plug didn't get carboned-up like the others (of course the carbon was just from being on choke ). The plug did however seem to get either cable lube or oil on it .

    Does anyone know if the lube would keep the cylinder from firing properly, and will it eventually burn out? Also, if it somehow got sucked backward into the carb wouldn't the fuel break it down?Being #1 carb I was able to take the choke plunger out as well as remove the float bowl without removing the carb rack, and everything seemed very clean. The carbs were rebuilt a month ago.

    Any advice or recommendations accepted.
    Feel free to scold me. Especially the female members.

    I would check for spark first, you can pour a table spoon of oil into the cylinder for storage with no effect.



      if the plug is not getting wet or darker then it sounds more like lack of fuel


        I wouldn't worry about getting a little cable lube in there. I wouldn't recommend putting it in either but I am sure you didn't get gobs in it did you? Anyway, the worse that can happen there is a little fouling while it cleans out. Yes the gas should do the trick and I don't believe any would have been sucked back into the carbs. You should be fine once you get it to fire.

        Like the other guys said, check for spark, etc...

        Sounds like maybe you just fouled the plug.

