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Need info.......confused

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    Need info.......confused

    Ok here goes.....

    I got this gs750, as some of ya know, just recently. It has been sitting in a garage for awhile so the first thing i figured i needed to do was give the gummed up, been sittin carbs some southern TLC. Sooooo I comensed to remove the carbs, now ive read the tech article here on Gs Resources, and see the carbs are called CV type (no idea what this means) wellll I removed my carbs (which BTW is a bitch) to find that they are made by Mikuni Corp. is this the same carbs in the article or do i have the wrong thing on my beloved bike?

    Continuing......after i removed them and was sitting at my kitchen table (to my redheaded wifes dismay) I noticed that the throat of the carbs were very very clean as if a little fairy had been in there polishing with a buffer, not at all what I had expected, but I thought " well this looks good but the inside will be a wreck", not the case. As i removed the top cover where the rubber thingamagig is it also was gorgeous as was the mechanics inside the bowl. minute amounts of varnish deep in the bowl but nonetheless nice.

    Now I've finally made it to my questions...( sorry us rednecks are long winded) Did I just get very lucky? or are they normally this clean?....and the most important question ....Where do i go from here?...wipe out the bowls, give the jets and holes a quick once over and run the fire outta my bike? orrrr do i need to go ahead and completely rebuild the carbs like the article does?

    Sorry for all the elementary question but I know absolutely nothing about motorcycles ....I am a pretty fair mechanic on lots of other machines but have never turned a screw on a bike

    Hopefully I havent bored y'all too much but THANKS in advance

    Great news! if the carbs are that clean you may not nned to fully strip and clean them. Do you access to a compressor? if you do spray carb cleaner into all the liitle orifices and then blow them out with the compressed air and re-assemble your carbs.


      To respond to your first concern: About your carbs being CV and Mikuni. CV is a general type of design, Constant Velocity. That rubber diaphram on top (that you commented on) moves that large piston up and down in carb throat, idea being that at low air flow the piston is down to make carb throat smaller, and at higher air flow the piston is further up to make carb throat wider. All this is to try and keep air velocity constant (velocity/speed: like inches per second, not total volumn flow like cubic inches per second).
      Mikuni is the manufacturer.
      About carb cleaning: A couple of times spraying carb cleaner in various ports in thraot and up from inside the bowl area has helped me. But one other times it required more dissassmbly than I have ever done, so I took to shop with u/sonic cleaner and mechanic with more experience than I. So I am not the guy to give you a complete answer.
      That diaphram area on top doesnt involve gas so it should be clean of varnish anyway.
      If you didnt have much gump in bowl, them it seems that rest of carb could be fairley good, but it doesnt take much either I understand.
      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


        I would say lucky!! if the round needle floats (not the floats in the bowls, the round column in the throat of the carb) that move up against the diaphram are free and moving easily, that's a good sign. try the carb cleaner, but you might as well keep the adjustment work to a minimum. I think they do clean themselves somewhat once you get it running too, unless you have little flakes of rust actually in the carbs... :roll:


          Thanks alot guys.....I might make it after all.

          Any more ideas?????

