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Main fuse

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    Main fuse

    I was hoping that maybe someone has run across this before. My main fuze (15 amp) is blowing about once a day. I've done a bit more than a cursory look at my wiring and nothing seems to be wrong. By saying a bit more than cursory, I've gone through it pretty darn good except for pulling the whole darn loom from the bike. It always happens under load. It doesn't matter how soon after or how long I've been riding. It blows when the temps are cool and during the middle of the day when the temps are in the high 90s to low 100s. I guess what I'm saying that its not consistant when it decides to blow. I've checked voltages from the R/R and they are well within spec. I've got an electrex stator and R/R installed (put them on a little more than a year ago) and the battery if fairly new and looking good with acid. Its not too cool to be riding down the freeway and then the bike just dies. I had it blow while executing a slow speed turn and just about dropped my Suzi as I had no engine power to keep her upright.

    It looks like you will have to remove one circuit at a time till you isolate the culprit---i asume that you cleaned all the fuse sockets and the plug that goes into the bottom of the fuse holder--I dont envy your position it sounds lie a tough one to find.


      I had the same problem on my 750. I started isolating things to find the problem. Turns out it was my headlight. The dumb thing still worked and wasn't blow out. I had the bike at my mom and dads in a small farm town. Took the hedlight out, rode around for a while on some back country roads, and never blew the fuse. Bought a new bulb......and......TA-DA....problem solved.


        Is the headlight circuit not fused through the fuse panel but just through the main fuse--It just dawned on me that if the main fuse is always blowing, how come one of the other smaller fuses isnt blowing first??? what does the schematic say???


          main fuse

          my main fuse blew while i was flying down the highway. i discovered a while later that my headlight had also blown out. looking at the wiring i think that the sudden surge of power when the headlight bulb blew was enough, especially at higher rpms, to overload the regulator/rectifier. so it blew the fuse. i replaced the fuse and headlight bulb and it hasn't happened since..........


            This morning, before work, I took the headlight out of the fairing and discovered a bit of corrosion at the connector. Also, I had to use a screw driver to pry the connector off the back of the light. I cleaned it using some WD40 and a wire brush. What a difference. All my lights are brighter (including neutral/gear indicators). Thats something I never noticed over the years, but it must have been slowly corroding.

            Speaking of lights, I thinking about just replacing the headlight anyway. I noticed JC Whitney has replacement lights that take the replaceable bulbs and they are halogen. Anyone tried this on a Windjammer? Let me know.

            Thanks for all the tips. I would have eventually thought of checking the wiring to the headlight, but who knows how long before this ole' fart would have gotten to that. But, the next day or two without blowing fuses will spell success in my book.

