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Clutch Help

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    Thanks guys, I think I'll try to pick up a cable today, though I doubt I will, most places close at 12 or 1 around here on a Saturday. And if that doesn't fix things, I'll go for tearing the bike apart. I did have some major fuel in the crankcase, so I bet the fibre plates are shot. Gotta get a better petcock before I put it away this winter, but that won't be for a VERY long time, I hope!

    Steve, I don't think it's the 400E, I guess it could be though. Let me know how to post a picture and I'll post one of it. I would like to know what I'm driving, might simplify getting parts for it.


      Originally posted by earlfor
      I think that unless there is visable buildup, sanding would have no effect.
      Also, sanding could/would reduce the plate thickness and that is not a good thing. I would chose to soak the metal plates in parts cleaner instead as a glaze removal step. I doubt the average light scuff by hand with a piece of sandpaper could hurt anything though.


      Originally posted by Hoomgar
      I was also told to sand the metal plate surfaces with a piece of 100 grit to remove the glaze and rough them a little bit. I did this and it worked great. But I wonder since I don't see anyone else saying that on here how much merit there is to that? What's your take on that Earl?
      Thx, I am collecting opinions from people like yourself who have done this type of work as I go. I don't want to adopt anything as a "standard" procedure just on the advice of one mechanic so I try to get a feel from several others with experience like you guys as well.

      Thanks Earl.


        Alright, took the plunge and got into the clutch today. Of course, the gasket was stuck to the case AND the cover, so it tore. Anyways, the clutch plates weren't stuck together so hopefully when my new cable comes in on Thursday that'll solve the problem of the clutch not disengaging. Of course now I need a new gasket. My local shops don't seem to recognise that suzui made a GS400 in 1981, so I fear that I won't be able to get a new gasket. So....
        "Barry, if you do tear up the gasket and cannot loate one easily, I can probably get one in two days or less and mail it to you.

        Does that offer still stand Earl? I'll take a look on Tuesday at the local shops first. Also, what do you guys pay for friction plates? I checked and they're like $23 each for genuine or like $18 each for aftermarket. That seems a little steep when I need like 6. I think I'll try to get by without replacing them, they didn't smell burnt, but I guess I should measure them for thickness while I'm in there.


          Barry, for clutch plates, take a look at

          About $4 each.

          Yep, the offer stands, let me know if you have no luck locally and I will see what I can do about getting you a gasket.


          Also, what do you guys pay for friction plates? I checked and they're like $23 each for genuine or like $18 each for aftermarket. That seems a little steep when I need like 6.
          Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

          I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


            Thanks Earl,
            I went all day without a reply, I thought someone had told you that you could go on vacation for the long weekend or something :P Have you gotten clutch plates from that site before? I like the fact that they realize that the gs400 was built for more than 2 years! I think I'll go through them if I need to replace the plates.

            With regards to the gasket, have you ever made your own? You can get sheets of gasket at tractor places and stuff I believe, and there are a reasonable amount of tractor shops in this area, two bolts holding the large clutch cover on came from a tractor place. Anyways, does that work? or is it just a temporary thing? I think if I'm going to be waiting a long time to get the gasket I might order the plates and put them in while I'm at it. And when my cable shows up, go with a homemade gasket until the plates and OEM one arrive. Any ideas?


              You went all day without a reply bcause I finally made myself do something I had been putting off for a long time. I cleaned out my workshop. Now I need steve's dumptruck to haul away the crap. :-)

              I know you could cut your own gasket with an x-acto knife, but if one is available, I wouldnt go to the trouble. I will check on Monday about getting a gasket for you.

              Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

              I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                I bet I could find some stuff I would like but I'm sure your dogs would keep an eye on me... 8O

                If you want to make gaskets get a set of hollow punches so you don't have to drill the bolt holes out of the gasket. Then you can trace the outside and cut. To make the inside cut use a jewellers hammer and tap the gasket against the cover at about 45 degrees all the way around. This will cut the gasket for you if you want a close fit.



                  Thanks guys, I knew about the hammer thing, but I will check for a gasket first. Are the shops going to be open on Monday for you Earl? I'll check mine tomorrow too, if they're open I'll ask about a gasket, but if it's gonna be OEM, then it'll be NEXT Thursday before I see it since they only place Suzuki orders on Saturday, should have done the clutch check on Friday and gotten up early on Saturday, oh well. I don't really wanna play with making my own gasket, but if I have to, I have to.


                    the "guys" would be pleased to see you. They like Canadians.......hard and crunchy on the outside with soft, chewy centers. :-) :-)


                    I bet I could find some stuff I would like but I'm sure your dogs would keep an eye on me... 8O
                    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

                    I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                      I dont know if the dirt bike shop I get gaskets from will be open Monday or not. He usually tries to be open on holidays because the dirt bike guys are playing on those days. :-)


                      [quote="Barry Rivers-Bowerman"]
                      Are the shops going to be open on Monday for you Earl?
                      Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

                      I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                        Being open this monday would make sense, everyone's been out playing all weekend, one thing broke and they want to keep playing on their final day off, I know I would if I had a dirt bike, or a running GS. I got most of the old gasket off, what do you guys recommend for getting those really stuck bits? Also, at the bottom of the cover there is a large hex bolt on the outside, and inside the gasket covers a whole, looks like it drains or something, what is that?


                          Ok, so my local shops were open today. I ended up ordering a gasket for the GS450. The 1985 GS400S uses the same gasket, so I'm hoping my 1981 GS400(E? or S? or ??) does too. Plus the OEM wouldn't have been here until next Thursday, and I hope to be riding this thursday evening(when my clutch cable comes in). I could've paid the $20 freight and had it within 2 days, but it didn't seem worth it for a $13 part.

                          And Earl, of course your dogs like Canadians, since our beer actually has an alcohol content, the flesh is preserved more than Americans, plus we don't carry guns so it's not as difficult to get us pinned down.


                            Hey Earl,
                            Have you dealt with that "" before? Or know of anyone that has? $4 seems to good to be true, compared to $20, just wanna make sure it's legit, thanks

