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I took the plunge

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    I took the plunge

    Well fellas, I told y'all how clean my carbs are and all that good stuff, well I decided being that i had the carbs already off i would clean it up a little (ya know poke the jets and all) without taking the carbs apart from each other. Once i got to fooling with em I said what the hell, and I seperated them, commenced to cleaning and vatting them in the carb bucket. Ive been working on them allllll day long (well every since I got outta church) used the carb article and seperated all the parts in diferent plastic childs school boxes (BTW you can get em at wally world and they work fine for parts at 88cents a piece)I got most all of it cleaned and had just enuff time to put #1 back together...WOOOOO HOOOOOO .......

    Well I'm not a GS carb virgin anymore anfd to tell the truth it wasnt all that difficult, a little aggrevating at times but hey I looooved every minute of it


    O.K. for a few questions, the air screw under that demon possessed plug, what do I set it to on the way back together?....and ya know that little o-ring on the air screw? uhhhhhhhh I lost one. reckon I can just use a o-ring from the hardware store provided its the right size?....for that matter the can I also do the same for the T-vents or do I need some special GS certified super duper specially manufactured o-rings?

    Well I think thats it for now...
    I had a ball Im hooked on GS's for life cant wait to build her one too

    Now if I ever learn how to ride

    I used o-rings from an auto parts store for the fuel tubes between the carbs. I understand you can do the same for the pilot air screw if you can find an o-ring that small.


      If you need the O rings check with robert barr. If you check some of the older post you may get the old web address This is the current one $12 for a complete set of O rings. Its worth it just to not have to run all over town trying to find the correct sizes


        That a God send...ya cant beat that.......Mr. Barr here I come

