At fisrt I assumed I had some problems with fuses, but after replacing them all and cleaning all the connections very good, I checked them all and all of them should be working...
Now I am thinking it might be the starter soledoid. I've done search on techinical on it, and don't understand most of it. So if you have a clue to my problem, serve it to me like I am retarded.
On the solenoid I see 3 wires plus the ground to the frame. I have cleaned the ground to the frame very well. The red, battery terminal side of the solnoid gives me 12 when i check it to the ground on the bike. The ground terminal, when checked for the continuity to the bike frame, gives me nice connection. Makes sence, since it goes to the starter which is grounded. Now the 3rd wire I traced back to the clutch lever. I've checked the cluth lever, by checking continuity on its two wires under the headlight. When I engage it it gives nice contact.
Here is the part that confuses me. There is continuty among the two big terminals on the solenoid. WTF? Should they connect only when the motorcycle is starting?
Any suggestions would be very appriciated...