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Not charging!

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    Not charging!

    1982 GS1100GK. Voltmeter with engine iat idle, and leads connected to the battery....reads 12v. Increase RPM and no change. Cleaned all the battery connections., and added a 10 gauge ground. All fuses are fine. No hot wires that I see. No ordor of anythng burning, etc. So I took out the Cylmer manual. It says to do a NO Load test on the Alternator. With left side cover (gear shift side) off, the book says to disconnect the white/blue, white/gree and yellow wires and test thm to each other. Very clear and simply. Problem.................I do not see any such wires with those colors!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone have an 82 GS1100 that can send pics or tell me what I am not seeing?

    Trace the black tube of wire exiting your starter cover, follow it to the area under your seat. There should be 3 wires in it, sometimes they are of 3 different colors sometimes they are all yellow or all white. Makes no difference they are coming out of the stator and all are charged AC positive voltage. those wires will lead to bullet connectors plugging into your Voltage regulator rectifier. Go to the stator papers section and test them with a quality voltmeter they should be around 80 volts if my recollection is correct. (check there to make sure). If it is less you need a new stator, if it is ok then your regulator/rectifier is not putting out the right voltage.


      Disconnect the wires to test. SHould have a minimum of 70 VAC
      Make sure to check the stator wire to ground, should be NO reading If that checks ok Replace the regulator


        Not charging

        Just traced wire coming out of starter cover up to underbeath the gas tank. From there I can not find where they lead. Coming out of the regulator, which is under the battery box, are four wires plus a ground. I cleaned the ground wire, then connected a new gound wire to that and went to a good ground. The other four wires that come out of the reg/rec, go up to a square 4 pronged connecter. I disconnected the fitting. and tested the end coming from the top of the bike. I used a voltmeter to test across three of the four wires. (It has red, yellow, white, and green). I get zero voltage, regardless of what two wire I connect the voltmeter to. Am I checking the correct fitting. I assume so because it is the connector that the reg/rec is connected too. Thoughts?


          Don not use the red wire.
          The AC voltage is measured with the engine on at 5000 RPM.
          Is your engine on?
          Is your volt meter set to AC?
          There is a "diode" test that is done with the engine off and the multi meter set to "diode".
          The stator papers have an excellent step-by-step fault checking diagram that will tell you how to check both the stator and the regulator/rectifier.


            not charging.

            I have found the three wires coming out of the Stator, Traced them up to underneath the tank, Found where the butt connectors are, they are fine. If I unplug each of then, and connect my voltmeter to any two of the wires coming from the stator end, I put the Voltmeter on AC instead of DC correct?
            I use DC for checking the battery across the two battery terminals. Are the three wires coming up from the stator, the same wires as the ones going into the reg/rec?


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                Not charging

                Ok. Set the voltmeter to 120acv, with bike running, connect to any two leads, with bike at 4-5,ooo rpm, the ac volts are fine 70+ or better. Check all three, so stator is good I guess. I do not have a diode tester, however I will test the reg/rec. Here is what I will do, Tell me if I am wrong. Connect the voltmeter ( set to continutiy reading ) + lead to yellow, and - lead to red wire coming from reg/rec. I should have cont. Do the same for the w/b, w/r, and b/w and readings should be the same. Then + lead to b/w and the - lead to w/b, w/r, and then yellow.. I should have high resistance. If I do not, then reg/rec is bad. Is this correct? Will a reg/rec from an 81 GS650 be the same? IE will it fit?



                  You can check you regulator/rectifier by following the Suzuki procedure below.

                  With the r/r removed from the bike, fins pointing up and terminals facing you, the terminals from left to right will be A, B, C, D, and E.
                  Negative probe on A and positive on B you should get 6-7.5 ohms.
                  Negative probe on A and positive on C you should get 6-7.5 ohms.
                  Negative probe on A and positive on D you should get 6-7.5 ohms.
                  Negative probe on A and positive on E you should get 50-70 ohms.

                  Then switch the negative probe to terminal B and place the positive probe on A, C, then D, you should get no reading. Positive on E should read 6-7.5 ohms.

                  Switch negative probe to C and positive to A, B, then D, you should get no reading. Positive on E should read 6-7.5 ohms.

                  Switch negative probe to D and positive to A, B, then C, you should get no reading. Positive on E should read 6-7.5 ohms.

                  Switch negative probe to E, positive to A, B, C, and D should give no reading.


                    If you have gone thru and verified that the stator is good Just change the reg/rect The GS650 one should work You may have to rework the plug
                    which I would do anyway Solder the wires together if you can it eliminates problems with the plug connections I have one from a Honda on my 850


                      not charging

                      I looked at the reg/rec from the 81 gs650. It is a two piece unit. Anyone know how to convert this to use on the 82gs1100?



                        Not Chargeing

                        Successful I think. I check the reg/rec from the 650. It had an additional piece attched by screws. I removed the other piece. The units are the same. the yellow and w/r wires were in opposite positions, So i just swapped them. Reinstalled everything. ( Have to remove the battery box to take the reg/rec out ).

                        Voltmeter nows reads 13.80 when engine is at 4,000/.

                        The lights of course are always on. I do not have anything else running. such as a radio, etc. So we will see if 13.8 is enough. I assume it will be.


                          If you haven't do so ? Add a ground from one of the mounting bolt of the reg direct to the (-) terminal of the battery. USE a heavy wire. Doing this on my gs added about 1/2 volt to the charging rate

