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brake light won't go out
brake light won't go out
Hi, this is my first time here! I just installed a new rear tire on my 1979 gs425e and now my brake light stays on whenever the key is on. any ideas??Tags: None
One of 2 things. Check the switch attached to the rear brake pedal. This is adjustable by turning it, but you should be able to test it just by pulling on the spring. If that isn't it, check the front brake switch, it's on the under side of the brake lever loosen the 2 screws but don't take them out. You can then slide it back and forth to adjust it. If it isn't either of those, you may have a crossed wire going to the light, but most likely it's just a switch adjustment.
Billy Ricks
I think you're going to find the rear switch is the problem seeing as where you did some work back there. Pull the spring off the switch and see if the light goes out. If it does then the switch needs adjusting. It just screws up and down and has a locknut to hold it in place usually.
I had the same problem after doing all kinds of stuff to my 78 gs550e this winter. I thought it was the back brake switch, but actually was the front (sort of).
It was like the front brake lever was stuck ever-so-slightly, causing the light to not shut off. Do a little test..... just push the lever out instead of pulling it in (just the opposite of when you want to brake). I did that, and the light went out. Then work the lever a bit and take it for a ride to "unstick" it. If that's it, then in the future just pump the brake levers a few times about every week when it's in storage for a long time.
still having trouble
o.k. gang,
I pulled the bulb, no prob there obviously, there is not a front brake light switch on this bike. There is a rear switch connected to the rear brake peddle via a spring. It appears to be moving feely. I disconnected both wires where they attatch to the top of the switch, the light remained on. I cannot see a fuse anywhere.
As unlikely as it seems it sounds like you may have pinched a wire/s somewhere when tightening things back up? Go back to every single nut and bolt you had to touch to do the job and look for signs of a pinched wire.
thanks all for your help. the culprit was a bare spot on the wire that was hiding under the rear "trunk" thingy. all is well.
cheers karl