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Bad, very bad, or Throw in the towel, she's cooked!??

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    Bad, very bad, or Throw in the towel, she's cooked!??

    So, she's more cold-blooded now than ever before. In fact, after a 35-mile commute to the MSF instructor's course this morning (woohoo!) on a country highway, the pipes were cool enough to hold on to after sitting a mere 10 minutes (barely reached an indicated 180 degrees).

    She's rich. I can smell it, I can feel it, I don't even have to pull the plugs - the valves need to be adjusted, the carbs synched, I need to replace the crunched header. I know these things - and they didn't just happen overnight. I just haven't had the time lately. In fact, this is the first time I've put any real miles on the bike in a couple of months due to some crazy hours at work (made a 160 mile loop in the hills near Yosemite Easter Sunday, though...).

    But I digress...

    These things I know, these things I can fix. I'm about to buy a new ZRX, but I'd like to see another summer on the old girl before then, and before any major engine work (one of the reasons behind the new purchase is so I can stay on two wheels while I tear the GS down).

    So my problem is (he has one, you ask?), I noticed a sound today that may fall under the "Very Bad Things" category....

    I noticed a distinguished dry "whirring" sound at any RPM, cold or warm today. I couldn't discern where it was coming from....

    I know valve noise, I know cam chain noise, but I don't know dry whirring. My first guess was the stator, but it didn't sound like it was coming from the stator cover - it sounded like it was coming from the engine, although I couldn't get my ear close enough to tell if it was coming from the bottom end or top end. No change in the sound with the clutch engaged or disengaged, either...

    I'm thinking cam or crank bearing....

    There are no noticeable knocking sounds, no hesitation, no decreased power, no overheating.... I don't run her (too) hard, and she doesn't burn oil. Seriously. None.

    I just changed the oil and filter before my Easter ride, and there were no visible shavings in the oil or filter element.

    So, what do you fine GS'ers think? Expect the worse???

    Thanks in advance,


    have you checked to see if your starter is hanging?


      Thanks for the reply, Don.

      I guess I could - never thought of that one.....



        Starter clutch sticking will do that. Check it before it fries the starter motor


          Get yourself 3 or 4 feet of fuel line. Any kind will do. Point one end at various parts of the engine and stick the other end in your ear. Homemade stethescope. YMMV, and I hope it is not terminal........ 8)


            The ZRX will not fix your GS problems, but I'll bet it will make you forget your GS problems, for a while.


              Originally posted by rphillips
              The ZRX will not fix your GS problems, but I'll bet it will make you forget your GS problems, for a while.

              Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right??

              I'll get a look at the starter sometime - my weekends are booked up through the 25th - on top of my day job.

              Time for new clutch springs, too. What a world, what a world, what a world....



                I'll get a look at the starter sometime - my weekends are booked up through the 25th - on top of my day job.

                Time for new clutch springs, too. What a world, what a world, what a world....
                Hang in there, man. I feel your pain, too. My ZX-9 is begging for a valve adjustment and new tires, along with a suspension rebuild and I am working two jobs, with my consulting in the busy season at the moment. I am booked most weekends through into May and a lot of evenings, too. It brings in good money , but it sure plays havoc with the bike stuff

                Oh well, things will get better sometime soon and then I will be able to afford some of those toys I have been holding off on buying.



                  Dry whirring?
                  Any chance it's a tach or speedo cable?
                  They whir dryly.


                    nah I think hes in the right direction of the starter and clutch pack. there is a Q/A in the old Q/A section talking about a dry whirring from the clutch.


                      Originally posted by Don Watson
                      nah I think hes in the right direction of the starter and clutch pack. there is a Q/A in the old Q/A section talking about a dry whirring from the clutch.

                      I wish I could say it was from the clutch, but I can't really isolate even which side of the engine it's coming from.

                      It did stop for a second today - or rather stopped intermittently for a few seconds. It was brief enough for me to question whether it really stopped at all....

                      Could be vibration noise, too - I suppose. Just can't seem to think of what may be loose. Not the cables, though - those are lubed and happy.

                      I'll dig around some more - thanks for the replies!



                        Make sure the noise really is comming from the engine and not from an other loose part of the bike i.e chain cover, side panels, loose horns or simular.


                          Originally posted by QuaiChangKane
                          Originally posted by Don Watson
                          nah I think hes in the right direction of the starter and clutch pack. there is a Q/A in the old Q/A section talking about a dry whirring from the clutch.

                          I wish I could say it was from the clutch, but I can't really isolate even which side of the engine it's coming from.

                          It did stop for a second today - or rather stopped intermittently for a few seconds. It was brief enough for me to question whether it really stopped at all....

                          Could be vibration noise, too - I suppose. Just can't seem to think of what may be loose. Not the cables, though - those are lubed and happy.

                          I'll dig around some more - thanks for the replies!

                          Take Dan's advice and listen to specific parts of the engine. This will identify the location of the problem.

                          Listening with a fuel line is a good idea, but a faster approach is a piece of wooden dowel or a long-blade screwdriver. Small reminder......the tip of the screwdriver goes on the engine...the handle against the ear....unless you want your ear to get screwed. :roll:
                          Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


                            Originally posted by argonsagas

                            Take Dan's advice and listen to specific parts of the engine. This will identify the location of the problem.

                            Listening with a fuel line is a good idea, but a faster approach is a piece of wooden dowel or a long-blade screwdriver. Small reminder......the tip of the screwdriver goes on the engine...the handle against the ear....unless you want your ear to get screwed. :roll:
                            what no eargasm :P :P


                              Originally posted by rphillips
                              The ZRX will not fix your GS problems, but I'll bet it will make you forget your GS problems, for a while.
                              Ahhhh.... I know that feeling all too well. My poor GS700 is sitting in corner of my garage neglicted (riding wise that is )

                              So my advice is fix yours before you get your new ride, because odds are your precious free time will go to riding to the new and not fixing the old one.... I already have 1000+ on my new ride, and maybe 20 on my GS.

