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Electrical gremlins

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    Electrical gremlins

    Hey all,

    I posted this very question quite awhile back, but only got one reply, and I am just now getting around to messing around with the bike(too many other projects).

    I am currently having light problems. When I turn the ignition on, my turn signals(all four) light up with the headlight. The headlight is dim. If I unplug the headlight, the turnsignals also go off. At one point, if I moved the wire harness around, the turn signals would go off and the headlight would return to its normal state. I started to unwrap the wire harness to check the wires, and now the turn signals come on again and will not go back off. If I move the turn signal control, the front signal of the direction I choose will go off, and the back turn signal will become brighter, but will not blink. I know the problem exists between the headlight and the fuse box(checked it tonight). By the way, if I pull the fuse for the signals, nothing happens, if I pull the fuse for the head light, all the lights go off.

    Someone once before mentioned a ground wire problem. I have no idea for sure. Any information given would be greatly appreciated.

    Try running a temporary ground off of the headlight ground.




      I agree with Steve, bad grounds will cause an unbelievable amount of weird light problems as the circuit tries to complete thru different paths.
      Ever been behind a car when the turn signals are on the light, usually on the same side goes out in rythm with the flash, bad ground....Mike


        Thanks guys, I will give that a try tonight.


          Well, I finally found my problem. I had a hot ground. I kept testing the ground in the wire harness all the way up to the instrument panel. I had the area pinpointed just below the triple tree. Sure enough, the ground wire that comes from the backbone of the bike had corroded in two at a soldered splice with three other grounds. It was the worst place it could have happened. I had to unplug all the wires and pull the harness out of the headlight bucket, and back down along the frame in order to resolder it. I had to add a short piece of wire to make it easier to reattach the broken wire. I got the wire soldered, the harness rewrapped with tape, and fed it back up to the headlight bucket. I will finish putting it together tomorrow night. Thanks for the suggestions that y'all gave me.

