I live in tropical Panama, and it gets real hot, as you can imagine. But I have been prepared, bought a lid with lots of vents, (still looking for suitable jacket in my price range..Sssshhh!) but my problem is this.
When riding, and believe me I am happy to say that I kane the nuts off the thing at every chance I get, no worries.. flawless. However, back into the city with 40+ heat and traffic jams and lights and crashes and....
The bike dies. I know what is wrong, the coils, sensibly mounted directly above the hot motor and under the hot petrol tank get soo hot that they stop working. I mean too hot to touch with naked hands. Take em off, and cool them in the airconditioned petrol station for about 20mins, whiz em back on and off I go. (I had current and signal from both contact breakers up to the coils..)
MY question is, how do you relocate/cool these little buggers in city riding? I have a couple of extra coils, but really dont want to be carting crap around, and have you seen the boot on one of these?? Big enough for a marathon bar, a couple of dollars to bribe the traffic pigs and a crushed condom..