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Driving noises and popping?

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    Driving noises and popping?

    I just drove by bike to work for the first time today. I am still whipping the smile from my face. Anyhow, I had about an hour to really pay attention to the bike. I heard a few sounds that I have to question.
    When you pull the clutch to coast to a stop, I can hear a soft whirring, that is almost brush like. It seems to be coming from the right side engine cover. (I think that is were the stator is, but I am not even sure what the heck a stator is.) This may be absolutely normal. Or it is the tell tell sign of a ridiculously expensive problem. I hope you can tell me.
    Also is it at all an expected common thing for the bike to pop/backfire some when you let off on the throttle, without applying breaks or clutch?
    Last, what RPM should I be shifting? I am not used to driving a high revving engine, so I tend to hit 5th by 40mph on this thing, for fear of blowing it up. I do not ever get anywhere near redline in any gear.
    1980 GS850GT (60k)

    Stator is on the left side of the engine inside the large crankcase cover. Right side is the clutch.

    If the bike is popping while decellerating it is a lean condition.

    Shift anywhere up to redline. If the engine is in good shape you're not going to hurt it. Run it up to about 5,000 rpm before shifting. As long as it pulls when you shift to the next gear then your shift points are fine.


      Heck, you might be able to reach 40 m/h in 1st. Defintely in 2nd. I'm not advising it, nor crazy riding in general. But getting to 5th before 40 is taking a lot of the fun out of having a motorcycle. Everyone always says these things were made to rev high. It takes a little getting used to, but its fun to hear my baby scream....


        Originally posted by Philly_Chris
        Heck, you might be able to reach 40 m/h in 1st. Defintely in 2nd. I'm not advising it, nor crazy riding in general. But getting to 5th before 40 is taking a lot of the fun out of having a motorcycle. Everyone always says these things were made to rev high. It takes a little getting used to, but its fun to hear my baby scream....
        I say from experience on my machine that 40 mph in 1st is no problem, and I'm still under redline.. Bad practice for gas economy though! 8O

        I know I have a gearbox .. but sometimes it's just so enjoyable NOT to shift early.


          Correct me if im wrong but if the popping sounds like it is in the intake it is a lean condition. If its backfiring out the exhaust its a rich condition. Im having a problem with my right inner carb fouling the plug and one of its symptoms is that it backfires out of that exhaust pipe when I let off the gas. The other three plugs are a nice light brown. When I had major intake leaks id get a popping sound that was attributed to the lean condition. Just trying to clarify. It can be soo confusing. I realize incorrect timing can cause this too.


            I've always thought that if it pops while decellerating its a rich condition and if the bike surges during steady cruise its a lean condition. A general test is that if it runs better when the engine is still cold and gets worst when fully warmed its running rich, if it runs like crap while cold and gets slightly better when warmed its lean.


              A Quarter turn makes a difference. I pulled the pluds to try to "read" them. The #4 plug was black and Hairy. symtom of a long idle, or a rich mixture. Plugs 1, 2, & 3 were on the light to white side with the outer edges, (not where the spark occurs) a little black and hairy. (possibly left over from before I rebuilt the carbs.) I turned the Pilot jet screw 1/4 out for carbs, 1,2,&3, and 1/4 turn in on carb 4. The exhaust poping has significantly deminished. I will replace the plugs (because I want to) and read them for another ettempt at fine tuning.
              It pops like considerably woith the choke on while warmong, but I figure that is symptomatic of choke. It quiets down nicely and them only starts making noise when decelerating under load when it is warm. But it is verry light now.


                Originally posted by Wigglespank
                Correct me if im wrong but if the popping sounds like it is in the intake it is a lean condition. If its backfiring out the exhaust its a rich condition. Im having a problem with my right inner carb fouling the plug and one of its symptoms is that it backfires out of that exhaust pipe when I let off the gas. The other three plugs are a nice light brown. When I had major intake leaks id get a popping sound that was attributed to the lean condition. Just trying to clarify. It can be soo confusing. I realize incorrect timing can cause this too.
                What year is your bike fouling plug can be caused by a bad petcock
                # 2 for the BS vacuum type carbs(80 newer) and #3 for the older slide type carbs (79 older)

