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$50 GS1000
$50 GS1000
I just bought a 1981 GS1000L from my neighbor for $50. At first I thought it was going to need pretty much everything. But when I got it home I realized that most things were there, just not hooked up. Like the throttle cable and fuel lines. Stuff like that. I pulled the duct tape off of the carbs where the airfilters should be and sprayed a little starting fluid in it. I fired up and sounds perfect (mean too). That's when I noticed it only has 18000 on it. It's also a shaft drive. Full disk brakes (two on the front). And, a one up seat. I started to realize that I just made one hell of a deal! The carbs were rebuilt a few years ago when he parked it, so all they should need is a good cleaning. I do need your guys' help with a couple of things. I just thought I would fill everyone in first. I need to know where to get a seat cover, brake lever (front), and a mirror. Also did these come stock with a 4 into 1 exhaust? If not, does anyone know what the stock main jet size is? Chances are the carbs were set up for the exhaust, but I need to find out if the bike was set up for pods or and airbox (since neither are there). So if I have the stock jet sizes, I can compare that to what I have now and know how it's set up. Thanks in advance guys.Tags: None
COnsidering that it is running without the pods or the airbox I would venture to say that it was set up for pods. Since the airflow is about the same as bare carbs but only with a filter to catch the dirt and stuff.
If it was set up for the stock airbox you'd best believe it wouldn't even run or crank over as restrictive as the stock setup is Lol....
Dm of mD
Originally posted by Detman101COnsidering that it is running without the pods or the airbox I would venture to say that it was set up for pods. Since the airflow is about the same as bare carbs but only with a filter to catch the dirt and stuff.
If it was set up for the stock airbox you'd best believe it wouldn't even run or crank over as restrictive as the stock setup is Lol....
Dm of mD
Now, does anyone know where I can get the seat, mirror, etc.?
Pete's GS
Not sure about the seat. You may want to work with Corbin or Sargent or poke around the boneyards for a decent stocker. For the other stuff you can see your dealer or check out and click on the GS Suzuki section. What a deal you found ! About a zillion of us wish we had a brain-dead neighbor like that !
lhanscom is a good place to start. Also check ebay. Be sure to either get pods or an airbox, and then check the plugs to see what the mixture is doing. You don't want to run it lean and mess up your new bike. Great deal by the way, congrats.
Thanks for the help guys. Any more suggestions are welcom.
I forgot to ask in my original post. What's the quarter mile time on these? And is the 4 into 1 exhaust something they came with or is it definately an upgrade.
Go to the Travelcade/Saddlemen website for seats or seatcovers. If your seatpan is in good shape, covering it will be the cheaper option.
Gary Lich
Re: $50 GS1000
Originally posted by ThomasTedderI just bought a 1981 GS1000L from my neighbor for $50. I started to realize that I just made one hell of a deal!Even if you never get it road worthy you could part it out and sell it on ebay for 10x what you paid. I'll bet there are a couple of good sized bike junk yards in the Denver area, you might have some luck looking for parts there.
I'll bet there are a couple of good sized bike junk yards in the Denver area, you might have some luck looking for parts there.
these guys have a ton of stuff.
Toll Free 1 888 448 8656
1245 Bowen Cir. Longmont Co. 80501
T-F 10-5 sat 10-4Mountain Time
Closed SUN and MON. email
I haven't done any business with them yet though. I am in Alaska, but I found them online somehow...
some tips
That is a sweet deal! My first GS was pretty similar to that ,81 GS1000G, These bikes if memory servs me are a low 13 second quarter mile bike, you are probably in the 90hp range, the main thing that slows the bike down is it weighs a ton! The one I had was missing a seat, so I snagged one from a local bone yard, I had to re-locate/weld the seat hinges to make it fit, but it worked. If it is torn you should be able to go to a decent car upholestry shop and have it fixed, I got mine redone 5 years ago for $40.00
Dennis Kirk is probably the best place to get random things like mirrors, oil filters, air filters, turn signals, etc...
Good luck!
Beat me, I think?
I think you beat my deal. I bought an 85 GS550E(?) last year for $75 and then traded it for parts for the 82 GS1100GK I got for free a week later. Free or $75? Either way its a steal as yurs certainly is. Good luck with your prize. You might also look up Zedder Enterprises on the www. I bought a parts manual (on CD) for mine a little while back and its a great reference tool for reassembly. Also helps keep the "young 'un" behind the parts counter at the Suzuki house on the right trail.
Re: $50 GS1000
Originally posted by ThomasTedderI just bought a 1981 GS1000L from my neighbor for $50.Some people get all the luck. Me I get a brick through my front window, Oh well there's always E-Bay, I can bid a couple bucks and then wait a week just to find out i loose again.
Just call me LOOSER P.S. You Lucky Dog1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
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01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82