I know this is going to sound a little lame, but I do not have access to a 1/4 inch drive torque wrench. I have a 1/2 inch one but I fear that using it for the bearing cap bolts on my 79 gs 850 would not be accurate. So what I need is for you to estimate, or suggest a method of determining how tightly, or more correctly how to estimate 7.5 ft lbs per bolt using a 1/4 socket and wratchet.
I know, I know, I find myself gringing too. I always want to doing everything perfectly and to spec, but find myself at a loss with this one.
Judging by the 7.5 ft lbs spec, I can assume that the bearing caps just provide a groove for the cams to ride in, while the chain, the idler wheel for the chain, and fearfully the caps themselves (to a lesser degree I hope) help to keep the cams from raising out of their bearing places.
As a side note, I was out 2 teeth on the exhaust cam. And I am hoping that this is what was causing my bike to foul all four plugs, regardless of everything else that I tried to do.
At first I blamed Clymers with their ambigious description of describing the exhaust cam timing marks "#1 arrow to line up with, or be slightly below 1-2 mm the gasket base surface of the head." But well stuff happens.
Sorry for my verbosity, however I needed to vent here, lest I take it out on my beloved 850.

Yours truly in retarded cam timing