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Just bought gs650g - Nothing over 5K RPMs

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    Just bought gs650g - Nothing over 5K RPMs

    I just bought a 1982 GS650G with 22K miles. I am a rather new rider, but I'm pretty sure there is an issue. Basically, the bike tops out at about 50-55 mph (5th gear, full throttle) and the RPMs never really go over 4500. There is just a general lack of power when I give throttle it. The carbs were rebuilt about 6 months ago (previous owner), and I am aware that the carbs can be a potential issue, but beyond that does anyone have any other thoughts or suggestions? Based on my understanding of rebuilding carbs, it does not necessarily point towards the problem I am having.


    Re: Just bought gs650g - Nothing over 5K RPMs

    Does the bike have the stock mufflers (4 into 2) Aftermarket mufflers are usually 4 into 1.

    Is the airbox hooked up?

    Is there a filter in the airbox?

    What color are the center ceramics under the electrode on the spark plugs?


    Originally posted by flurrymaster
    I just bought a 1982 GS650G with 22K miles. I am a rather new rider, but I'm pretty sure there is an issue. Basically, the bike tops out at about 50-55 mph (5th gear, full throttle) and the RPMs never really go over 4500. There is just a general lack of power when I give throttle it. The carbs were rebuilt about 6 months ago (previous owner), and I am aware that the carbs can be a potential issue, but beyond that does anyone have any other thoughts or suggestions? Based on my understanding of rebuilding carbs, it does not necessarily point towards the problem I am having.

    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

    I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


      hi Brad,

      Got your email and was going to suggest you posted here to take advantage of all the knowledgable GS spanners on the forum who love to help.

      What Earl said.....basically is the bike in a reasonable state of tune? Does the engine rev out crisply to the redline under no load?

      Another suggestion if the stock airbox and filter are there. Is the filter in good nick? If the filter is old the foam has probably decayed and won't pass air very well. Foam goes off with age as much as miles travelled.

      Good luck. Nice bike.


        Are all the plugs firing? What color are they? Is the ignition timing good?
        Can you at least see if fuel is flowing well from the petcock?
        And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
        Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


          That really sounds like clogged main jets to me. Regardless of whether or not the previous owner rebuilt them.


            The bike does have the stock 4 into 2 muffler. The foam air filter does appear to be rather old, so that may be part of it. Is there an easy way to test that? If I rev the bike w/o the air filter, would that be a safe quick way to see if the airfilter is the problem? Or am I asking for trouble if I try that even for a min. or two (not driving, just thottling in neutral)? The bike seems to be reasonably well tuned (sounds smooth, idles nicley, no back firing or banging in the engine). The bike does not go near the red line even with no load (i.e. in neutral). It appears to just top out aroundn 5K rpms. I'll take a look and check on the plugs and see if there are all firing or not. Based on what I am describing, would you agree that it does sound carb related?



              It surprises me that it doesn't rev under no load. Pop off the carbs and have a look, it certainly won't hurt.


                I'd definitely throw an air filter at it first. Too much air and you don't have enough fuel to compensate, no go to redline. If that doesn't do it, I'd check for secure carb connections on both sides of the carb. Then I'd dig into the carbs. Will it idle without your help on the throttle? It probably is jets plugged but I've seen air filters do this too. Keep the faith and you'll get it! Bob


                  An update! I replaced the plugs (which were very fouled) and fired it up. The bike blew out a good bit of white smoke for about 5-10 min. but it eventually started thinning out. Finally, it thinned out pretty good and took it for a spin and it was like a different bike. My guess is there was a good bit of build up and good plugs allowed it to blow all the crap out. It runs great now. Thanks for your help. Glad to have found a great wealth of info at this site for my new purchase!


