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Stuck idle mixture screws....

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    Stuck idle mixture screws....

    Hey guys, can you give me some opinions on how to get out some idle mixture screws? 3 of the 4 are stuck. The first one came out pretty easily. The second one was a bear and I ended up stripping it. I soaked it in WD-40 to no avail. I heated the carb body with a torch, nada..... Then I tried drilling it and using a screw extractor. Two broken EZ out tips later I decided to stop.

    Would a machine shop be able to extract this thing? Maybe tig weld it ....

    Oh yeah, Its an '80 550E. Its a friend if mine's bike. I really hate to be incuring more cost for him. But I guess thats how things go. ](*,) ....



    This is a time sensitive matter.


      This problem comes up a lot. See and click on the Services button and scroll down to GS Fours. I have the same bike and had the same problem but once the mixture/air screws/pilots--they're called this interchangeably-were freed and set at 1.5 turns out from fully seated the bike runs beautifully. Even starts without choke and only about 1/8-1/4 throttle. Good luck because I'm afraid you're going to need it.


        Machine shops out. They want 40 to 80 bucks to take it out. I can buy a whole rack off eBay for less than that.....

