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Lucas Oil Stabilizer bought at Canadian Tire

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    Lucas Oil Stabilizer bought at Canadian Tire

    Hi there! I bought some of this stuff from Canadian Tire here in Ottawa. It claims it is great for motorcycles, and other high performance engines.
    It was $16 Can. for a 1L bottle, but it said on the back to only mix it in approximately a 65% motor oil 35% Lucas Oil when poured into the crankcase. The first time I did an oil change to put this stuff in, it was fairly cold out. The lucas oil stuff was so thick that I still even had to squeeze it out even with the bottle upside down.

    The problem that I am having now is, that the bike won't come out of 1st or 2nd into neutral even WITH the clutch pulled in at a stop;
    related directly to that, in gear at a stop, the bike (with the clutch lever pulled in fully) pulls forward.
    I am hoping the problems with getting in and outta gear are just due to the clutch acting on the gears and NOT letting them freewheel, thus causing the difficulties getting out of gear and into neutral.

    I HAVE been able to shift from 1st to neutral and 2nd to neutral by pulling in the clutch lever (while still ROLLING), and giving it a small crack of the throttle, then kicking it into Neutral... that works just fine;
    Also, if I kill the engine, it slips into Neutral NO problem...

    The thing I am hoping IS, ... that it's just the crappy lucas oil stabilizer stuff has gummed up my clutch plates, and is sticking them together even with the lever pulled in. Worst case .. I'm looking at about $80 or so for new plates ... as I would figure the oil would not affect the metal plates to the point where I could not just clean them up first..

    anybody ever try that Lucas Oil Stabilizer and have clutch issues?
    Also, is there a good cleaner to bathe the metal plates in to remove the crappy residue of that stuff?

    Thanks for your time, and reading this huge book


    have you tried adjusting your clutch and or clutch cable?


      Simple remedy CHANGE the oil and don't use additives in you bike


        Forgot to mention, change the oil, now running Mobil1 15w50, and that did not help anything whatosever.
        --- not sure how / why I left that out.

        I haven't messed with the clutch yet, but the thing is, the problem only started once I put the crap oil stuff in, and now it won't go away after an oil change...


          It could be one of those silly coincidence's..My bike used to creep and hang in gear...adjust the clutch..inspect the cable, especially at the lever for frays...Lucas makes a good product although I would not use additives in any of my bikes. Personal choice...Debating the oil issue is worse than religion or politics..Call Lucas, thats what I would do if I felt that caused the problem. Check their website, probably good info there too.
          EULC ON


            Ya, I just sent them an email saying that I would like them to explain how my clutch runs like a piece of crap only after using their product!
            cross my fingers


              as it turns out, my clutch cable was just STUPIDLY Loose... didn't think of looking there cuz it was under the rubber cover ...

              she works fine now ...
              I just gotta adjust it a bit now after testing to see if there's any slippage at high speeds from if I have OVERadjusted it...

