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    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, here is a new problem I discovered last night.
    Riding home from a friends house, I was traveling about 50 miles per hour at about 5000 rpm, sudenly the rpm needle drops to zero and I loose power, although the engine runs and I can still travel at around 40 to 30 miles per hour, but could not accelarate, after stoping at traffic light it regains power and the rpm works and then at about 5ooo rpm I loose, the rpm nedle collapes to zero and the engine looses momentum.
    Any Ideas what could it be?
    Mind you it is a 1983 GS 750E.
    Ard :twisted:

    I'm betting it's electrical....
    I'd check my grounds as a first thought.
    I'm sure with the wealth of knowledge on this site someone will correct me and tell you exactly what it is.
    If not, you've made a discovery and we'll name it after you!!

    If you don't like your 83 GS750E, I'd be willing to give it a nice home.


      Sounds like something that happened to me when one of my coils died. I was doing 70 on 295 going to the salvage yard to get another coil set cause I suspected the stock ones on my VN750 were dying. On the way there the front cylinder coil died and I went directly from 70 mph to about 45 and the bike sounded like a dirtbike when it was running on one cylinder. I pulled over to the side of the road and let the bike cool down and when it did ( The coil too) cool off the bike fired right up and ran fine. About 5 minutes later it did the same thing. I decided to just put on my hazards and ride the rest of the way in the slow lane. I got there and swapped coils at the shop and the bike's been running fine since.
      It will be sold within the next month I hope.

      Dm of mD


        No guarantees, but could it be fuel starvation? After you let off the throttle a while it was ready to go again.

        Just a thought for the brainstorm.



          actually this also hapened to me yestrday. turned out that i had a loose conection going to my fuse box.


            sounds like a fuel problem, junk in the petcock or filter if you have one.


              check both fuel and electrical, you might find multiple problems you didnt know about.



                I dont think it is fuel problem, it sounds more like electrical. particularly, coil.
                Is there any way to check the coil to find out if it is functioning properly after it gets hot, or cerain voltage of electricity going through it?and if so where is a good source to get a new one.



                  Hello fellows, I was diong some research on the GS forum, I came across GSers talking about JCWhitney coil for very short money, would any one know if it will fit 83 GS 750?



                    Originally posted by rooster4321
                    sounds like a fuel problem, junk in the petcock or filter if you have one.
                    not a fuel problem, the 83 750E tachometer is electronic and gets the signal it needs to show RPM from one of the coils ground wires (yellow with black stripe) I think it is the 2&3 coil but the diagram does not state which it is.

                    he said that when he lost power it still ran but was very slow and the tach had dropped to 0 and stayed there.
                    this indicates one of three things.
                    1= the igniter box has a internal short and is bad. (this is what triggers the coil and where the tach gets its signal)
                    2= the coil that the tach gets signal from has shorted out internally and is not firing and is preventing the tach from getting signal.
                    3= there is a short in the yellow with black stripe wire. (this will prevent the coil from firing and also cause the tach not to work, a internal short in the tach could also cause this.)

                    go over the wiring, check the yellow with black stripe wire from the igniter box to the coil, to the tach
                    along with all connectors.

                    test the coil check that the primary and secondary windings are in spec.

