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Parts interchange ?
Parts interchange ?
Hello out there in GS Land. Kinda new to this site and have a few questions. I have an '85 GS700ES, wrecked it and to repair it I need a few parts. I was wondering if anyone could tell me which other year bikes, cc size, and parts might help me. I have a manual which is for the 750e/es/700e/es thanks to Bruce. I assume that means the 750 parts will interchange, but you know what happens when you assume. I would also take any suggestions on performance upgrades and tips. Thanks for any replies.Tags: None
Some parts interchange all over the place, especially peripherals like headlight, etc. I know that the 750 bikes are identical to (some of?) the 1000s except that the 1000 have wider bore. Same frame and all, so I'm told.
Specifically, what areas of the bike are damaged?
Billy Ricks
About the only difference between the '83 750 and your 700 is cosmetics, crank and rods, pistons, and the exhaust cam. You can use the 750 crank and rods to get that 50cc that Harley stole. Using the 700 pistons with the 750 crank and rods will bump compression up to 10.5:1.
parts damaged
First, Thanks for all the info. Ihave only minor damage to the bike. Busted instrument cluster, ignition switch, scraped up generator cover, tore off all turn signal lights, and small piece of plastic right side to rear of seat. Bike starts right up and still sounds good. Haven't been on it since crash last July. Bought it September '02 it needed new tires and a tank with no rust holes. Bought it from second owner who only bought it to resell. He bought it from orignal owner who had it parked in garage for last 10 or 11 years. Had a little over 5,000 miles on it. Now just want to ride again. So trying to find parts and maybe a few upgrades and some new paint. Thanks again for the info.
that 50cc that Harley stole.
What does that mean, Billy? I know there is a line at 700cc that insurance companies use, considering the 673cc "650".
Billy Ricks
Originally posted by travellitethat 50cc that Harley stole.
The whole suit never made any sense. Anybody that really wants a Harley is going to get one regardless. Their biggest problem prior to the Evolution engines was poor build quality. Just about everyone I knew that had one continually had problems with the rear cylinder burning up. You could go through a whole list of problems Harley had, including oval shaped crank pins.