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GS 1150 Missing at low revs
GS 1150 Missing at low revs
My GS 1150 is missing when accelerating at revs below 4 or 5 000 but once I get over that she flies. I have replaced the plugs and cleaned the carbs. what is causing this? It seems like carbs to me but every thing seems O.K what are the float level settings and how do I set them?
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Sounds like one plug may be fouled out or something.
Have you checked your plugs? They can really really really tell you about 70% of what is happening with your bike and where you need to make changes.
Checking the plugs was the second best advice ever given that I've found on this site. With the best being "Don't give up, it will be worth it in the end."
Dm of mD
I had this happen once when my petcock diaphram was giving out. It would flood out the #2 cyl at low rpm, but when you got up in the rpm it would be able to run again. It was a pretty serious miss though, and the plugs will tell the story.
Yep lukes right. That's the same thing I'm dealing with right now on my #2 cylinder. But today I install my pingle!!
Dm of mD
Pull the carb rack out an dclean them thoroughly, I would pay particular attention to the idle progression holes and the idle circuit, it sounds to me as if some of the idle progresion holes are blocked starving the bike for fuel in the transition rev range you mention.
Got one sitting on the work lift now with the same problem. Rev it and it runs on 2 cylinders till you reach exactly 4K rpm`s. Thats what happens when you don`t ride a bike enough. I just cleaned those carbs(another 1150 I have not the one with the headhsake problem) last spring. Now they are needing pulled off already. I must have forgot to put a stabilizer in the fuel this winter. Bet that don`t happen again.
Bill I usually try to get them out every month or two during the winter. Our winters are rideable several days a month usually. This one got neglected so your plan would have been the right one for it.
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
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- Brooksville Fl.
heh heh heh, I have trouble finding enough down time on the 1150 to get the oil and filter changed. Same old story every 2000 miles, change the oil, change the oil filter, put a new rear tire on. :-)
Earl :-)Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Yeah we used to get around 15 passes on the goodyear bike prostock 9 inch tire when we used it...they would get hard. Finally got smart and started using the 10/11 and 12 inch car tires.
Missing at low RPM
Whipped out the carbs again and really, really inspected every nook and cranny. What I did find was a dammaged O ring on the air screw on carb #2. Do you think this could be the problem? I haven't fount a new O ring yet .[/img]