I bought a GS850 for a grand about a year ago. (just over 10k miles) It was sitting for quite a long time dry, however inside a warehouse, and safe from the elements. I took it to a mechanic who cleaned the bejeezus out of it, and deemed it 'road worthy.' I put about 100 miles on it before having to move - I couldn't take it with me right away, and a pal has been holding it in his garage for the last 9 months.
I got the bike back this last weekend. Now, I am a new rider. That 100 miles 9 months ago seems like a foggy dream. While I was waiting to get the bike back, I did some reading, and realized I should have put some fuel stabilzer or something in the tank. Oops. So, I've got it back now, and had to take it in for yet another cleanup. (Getting spendy, definitly will take proper storing precautions this winter.)
I've been riding it around for about 2 days, and have noticed that it's pretty sluggish when crusing at normal speeds. I try to accelerate, and it will take a good 2-4 seconds before 'kicking in'. This concerns me a little. What's worse, is that -sometimes- (pretty random) when I come to a stop, I won't be able to start again. I'll start out, and then the bike just dies, leaving me to scurry across the intersection and pray I don't get flattened. Another odd symptom is backfiring - and I'm quite certain it wasn't doing that 9 months ago.
It idles perfectly, and once I crack the throttle (and it kicks in) it's a damn quick little machine. Mechanic said he measured 64 horses in there, (which he claims is amazing for it's age) - so I feel like I got a pretty good deal.
Again, I am a new rider - and not exactly mechanically inclined. (But I'm getting there.)
Is this just leftover gunk from it's last storage? Crap fuel added by the mechanic? Will it go away i
f I keep riding it?
Any tips/hints are appreciated.